Chapter 6: The Trial

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The professor gave me a nod.

In response I stuck my hand out.

My eyes closed as I imagined mana moving out of my core into my mana veins and ending at my palm. With a deep breath in I pushed out my mana. My deep yellow core hummed as it propelled more and more mana out of it. My mana veins expanded, creating room of the
onslaught of mana coming out of my core. The mana shot out of my veins and into my palm. Translucent waves of mana floated around my palm, quickly growing larger and larger. The wind inside the room whistled a chilling melody as the waves of mana, now larger then a person, conjoined together forming a sold sphere of elemental mana. The sphere levitated in my hand, yellow, green, blue and red colors dancing in harmony within it. My wheat blond hair tousled around my face as I stopped the continues flow of mana. The breeze stopped as the ball of mana cracked and broke apart into millions of diaphanous shards. Once they hit the ground they slowly dusted away into the atmosphere, becoming one with each other.


I turned and saw Ciar, his face white as a ghost, hair on end. Next to him I saw Caera in complex disbelief.

The rest of the class was either passed out or hiding outside the arena.

A smirk bloomed on my face.

"Um...Grey" the professor said

"Yes? Was that good enough?" I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Please go visit the principal's"

"Did I do something wrong I only did what was asked of me?" I asked confused

He pointed to the door, but said nothing.

Damn, first day and I'm already in trouble, I thought with a sigh.


As the boy, Grey, left the room, a sigh of relief left my lungs.

I didn't even realize it but I had been holding my breath since his test had started. I wasn't sure if I was excited to see his skills, or nervous. From the very moment we met I could tell he was different...but to think he was truly this special. No wonder my master was wary of him. No wonder she wanted him gone.

I clenched my jaw and stood up. If Scythe Seris trusted me this much to get rid of him, how could I not pay her back tenfold. I reached out my hand again, trying to pour my mana into it, show my mana off again, prove to myself, that I was better.

However the result was the same, if not a bit worse from the fatigue.

How, how does he do it, I thought, frustrated.

I gave up and sank back into the ground.


"Caera, you have already done well, do not push yourself any further." The professor said, laying his hand on my shoulder.

I looked him in the eyes, then showed him off. "I know when to give up, thank you professor."

"Of course...Lady Caera"

"Anyways class, do not think that the tests are over, Chitrof, you are next." The professor said firmly.

The boy was below a desk.

He slowly got up, his knees shaking.

"Y-yes professor"


Miraculously I didn't get lost. I navigated the twist and turns of the school through simple minded guessing, but it worked out in the end.

I found myself at a large marble door with golden decor.

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