Chapter 26: Allied Powers

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Blood. There was only blood, dead bodies and blood. My heart beat like a war drum as my adrenaline slowly calmed. Any haziness from that blood bath vanished as I realized...I was smiling. It was the sort of smile that a psycho gives...but a smile of excitement, of an understanding of divine magnificent power. The power that I could wield...completely under my control. Realm heart flickered off as the large rune on my back dimmed. I simply stood there, covered in my bright wet ruby clothes, starring at my hands.

"Art?" A voice from beside me croaked out.

My mind raced to put the voice and the face together, before I even thought to turn my head.

"Tessia" I then said, slowly.

The old man beside her took a set back, flinging his arm outward to protect his...? Granddaughter? I guessed.

"I won't hurt you" I said simply

"I'm sure you told the soldiers laying below you the same thing" he snapped

"They were the once you attacked me, remember? You were the one who sent them to their deaths after all"

He flinched

"That's different, your an intruder. You shou-"

"Actually I was brought here against my will be someone called Flamesworth. I never wanted to be I left." I said exasperated

Gramps simply starred at me...not fully sure what to do. Although I could sense he would like to fight...but he was clearly at the disadvantage.

"Look" I said sternly. Now increasing the weight of my pressure.

"The Alacryan army is coming."I took a step forward

"And trust me they are not your friends." I took another step until I was looming over the man.

"They have brought every piece of advanced technology, every mage they can muster, just to take Dicathen under their High Sovereigns command." I said loudly, looking directly into Tessias grandfathers eyes.

"You alone cannot stop them, not you not your lances not anyone on this continent, so I suggest you just give up, and let me do the fighting. Even if you decide to help me, somehow convince yourself that you are useful, kindly remember that an army of trash only hurts the world..."

I let my words hang in the air

"Arthur please I can help you. Somehow I-"

"Just like you helped me in the cave or during the school invasion?" I snapped at her


A influx of mana suddenly appeared behind me. Large particles of pure golden mana conjoined together to form a portal. Through it walked a person I knew all too well, yet didn't know nearly enough about.

"Ah, we finally meet again." 

"Seris...why are you here?" I questioned. "Shouldn't you be with the other generals?"

Tessia clearly had enough at this point and fell down to her knees, passed out...completely.

"Te-" Gramps started

"She's fine...just tired" I said. "Don't bother her"

He didn't listen to my advice...but at least shut up for a bit.

Seris have a light chuckle

"As too why I'm's to help" she said playfully.

"If both Caera and you are in Dicathen, why wouldn't I be here as well."

I she knew.

"Oh don't be so harsh, I'm here to help." She said, putting her finger up to her cheek flashing me a playful smile

"I won't be helping Dicathen, you know that much I'm sure."

"I am a bit disappointed to hear that? Shouldn't you want revenge on the High Sovereign...I mean he lied to you about practically everything...including your- reincarnation. Although you know that much I'm sure." She said teasingly.

Suddenly it felt like as if all the puzzle pieces slowly clicked together. Like that one piece that I was missing my whole second life was finally found.

"I'll gather up the army here, you go sort out your thoughts and be back when you are ready to fight, don't take to long though alright?" Seris said waving her hand at me, as if she was shoowing me off.

"No I already-"

"Stop being such a child lived two lives after all...use them well." She said turning away from me...although I was still too stunned to speak

And as for you...Mr.Virion. I'm commander now.


Ellie sat beside me, her blank eyes starring deep into mine.

"So why must we kill them all? The Dicathians I mean?"

"Because, they are a piece that Agrona wants to control, we can't let him have them." I said, although I want sure if I was confident in my remark.

"I understand, but wouldn't it make more sense to help the Dicathens fight against the Alacryans? That way onl-"

"Ellie," I said interrupting her "we are following his orders, that is all. We cannot improvise, we cannot disobey."

"We are merely tools to be used and thrown away." She said coldly

"Hey, that's not what I meant." I countered

"Perhaps, but it's what you thought."

"If you are not-"

"I'll fight Aldir, I will. I just won't be happy about it."

"I understand..."

"So are we going now?"

"Yeah, let's go"


The war is about to begin, I thought to myself. But who will win, even my wife Myer cannot tell. Will it be The Legacy? Supreme commander over mana. The Vessel of aether who grows more powerful each day. Or little old me...

A smile bloomed on my face. Well of shall be-


The Proxy war is finally in motion, and I have the clear upper hand. Once Dicathen is mine, not even Kezzes will be able to read my next move. The only issue is that one reincarnate, the one who I sent of to test his skills, yet never being able to use them...what a shame indeed. But I guess it doesn't matter, as The Legacy is on the very land I am about to conquer.

Without my guidance The Vessel would not be at his full potential...and that would mean that Kezzes would not be aware of my upcoming attack.

Ah yes...the perfect victory, I thought as I laid my head back against the snowy white draconic body behind me.


This was stated in previous chapters but it was some time ago so I'll just say it again.

The Vessel: Grey, born like a dragon with the ability to manipulate aether

Seris always planned on helping Dicathen

Caera is alive and was saved my Grey

Barion and Varay are dead

Ellie trained with Asuras so she is a capable fighter (think more or less beginning of book 4 Arthur)

If you have any other questions I will gladly answer them!!

Thank you for reading and I will see you all in the next one!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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