Chapter 15: The Knowlage of the Ancients

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My mind, which at first only saw dark, lit up with bright aetheric flashing lights. A dome expanded out from under my feet, creating a plate form for my floating body.

A shadowy body looked down at me, as I tried to force my body to move.

"Oh Grey, you awoke faster then I thought."

"Lady Jera?" I questioned.

"Yes yes, who else would it be." She said as the lady offered my a hand up.

"Where are we?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

"This is your training room from now on. In here, you will learn how to use both mana and aether, and force them both under your will."

A slight skip could be felt from my heart.

"But why are you training me? What use can I be to you? Hell what visions did you even see of me."

Jera let out a loose laugh. "Well, I am probably the only djinn that knows who you truly are, and that includes your potential. I know you could always see aether, as if it was a part of you. And I know that you will be the perfect weapon to help lead us into our new era of peace from this world. Not just for the djinn, but for all species of this land."

"Not to sound ungrateful but that is a classic manipulation speech." I said deadpan.

"Yes well...I suppose, in the end, you will decide the path you want to walk."

She let her words hang-

"Well now enough talking, sit. It's time for a lecture."

I did as I was told, knowing full well this was a once in a life time opportunity for me to learn pure strength.

"Mana is like ki, from your old world. It move as you command it, not having a will of its own. In fact, I am confident you know more about mana than even I do. However, you still don't know how to use your beast will."

"My what?."

"Ever since your encounter with the queen of the phenixes, you received a little gift from Biella, right?"

Queen? Queen of what; the entire phoenix race? All of the gods...or asuras? Questions rolled through my mind. But I bit my tongue.

" if she engraved her own soul into my core." I said finally

"Good, yes. It feels like that because it quite literally is. Think of it as her will, hence beast will. In general a mage who receives a beast will can use a small amount of powers that the beast possesses. However, when you have the will of a god...well, let's just say you get a slightly larger power boost."

"Yeah...I noticed that too...Whenever I activate my will a bright orange glow incases my body. Than, whenever I get hit, it goes away...but I don't feel any pain from the attack, nor do I think it connects at all."

"To think you can already activate your will..." Jera said under her breath.

"Is it that impressive?" I asked

She scoffed,"If only you knew just how impressive."

"And that orange glow is not just a shield. It is quite literally the glow of life. Whenever you activate your will, as long as you only get hit once, you cannot die." Jera said ominously, that is a power even dragons will kill for.

My jaw was slightly dropped. How was I completely unaware of this...

"Now now don't get too excited. It's not like this power makes you immortal. If an attack posses more mana than your core currently has, the your life shield will just shatter, letting you take full damage of the attack."

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