Chapter Thirty Six

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I awoke to find Aaron already gone to complete Lord John's portrait at the Alcazar. The sunlight was pooling in from the antique windowpanes onto the old, oaken floor of the bedroom. Although the furniture was meager and there were hardly any decorations, I realized that this room now felt like a wonderful safe haven.

However it also brought to my awareness Aaron's dire financial straights. He was still struggling as a painter, and I wasn't exactly helping his case by getting fired from my job.

Therefore with a renewed determination, I launched out of bed, donned my simple white blouse and heavy grey skirts, before tying my brimmed hat upon my head with silk white ribbons beneath my chin. The hat served well to hide my hastily pinned hair that I had coiled into a bun at the nape of my neck.

After drinking a cup of Aaron's tar and scarfing down an old biscuit, I exited the house with the task of regaining my job.

The streets were filled with people, carriages and the roucus sounds of paperboys shouting out their latest presses, the bellows of carriage drivers telling others to move, and the familiar caw of seagulls flying overhead in the salty wind brought in from the bay.

The sun was high in the beautiful blue sky with only sporadic puffs of cumulus stratus clouds floating slowly by in lazy contentment.

I smiled at the lively world around me, feeling more aquinted amd secure in my surroundings as if this place and era had truly become my home now. It was a surreal feeling. The future seemed like the past and the past felt like my future.

I had never once felt like I truly belonged anywhere...until now.

Striding into the Alcazar Hotel, I made my way to the servant's quarters in search of Miss Petrim.

After much argument and a fabricated lie of great illness that had befallen me during the two weeks I had been mysteriously absent, the old crow finally relented and offered me my job back to my immense pleasure.

I started that very day.

Donning my familiar maid's attire, I headed towards the third floor ballroom that encircled- and looked down- upon the world's currently, biggest, indoor swimming pool. With my trusty duster in hand, I went to work.

Unlike before, I decided that no matter how benign the work might be, I would fulfill my duties to the best of my ability. With pride. Aaron had shown me through his actions how important it was to have grace and pride in whatever task he took up. He was an example of a hardworking individual who continously strived towards their goals. I wanted to be more like him in that regard. I deeply respected him for it.

To my surprise, the skylift-roof above the pool was opened today, letting sunlight wash into the large open area. The pool was station two stories below the ballroom, giving the entire place an exquisite view and ambience.

There were families playing and splashing in the heated pool which remained a constant seventy degrees year-round. I couldn't help but walk over to the railing to watch some giddy children dive off the second-story diving board in a throng of delighted squeals and laughter. The musical sounds brought an uncontrollable smile to my lips.

While I dusted, I vaguely remembered one memory that my mother had told me about the pool in later times. In the future, the pool would be drained and the hollow space that centered around the three story balconies would be turned into a restaurant.

However, if one stood directly in the center of the empty pool and closed their eyes, the distant sounds of splashing water and children's laughter could still be heard.

"Miss Charlotte, sweetheart, I barely recognized you in that maid's gown." A deep, English voice spoke from behind me, intruding my daydreams. Pivoting with a surprised intake of breath, I came face to face with Lord Charmer, himself.

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