Chapter Twenty Three

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"There you are! I've been looking all over for you, sister, I say this balcony terrace is rather drafty, wouldn't you agree, Lord John?" Aaron broke the moment with swift steps and swifter words as he approached me, wrapping one arm around my shoulder and yanking me away from the baffled Lord John.

He had intercepted the gentleman like a pro, coming to the rescue of a helpless maidan who did not want to be kissed just in the nic of time. Although I wouldn't call myself entirely helpless, my palm had been raised and at the ready to intercept the path of Lord John's lips from meeting mine.

I had already realized from the very moment he gave me the look of a man about to make his move that my kisses solely belonged to Aaron and Aaron alone, whenever or however long that would take to get there.

Therefore the second I heard his voice and saw his handsome form striding towards me, it was all I could do not to smile in sheer happiness. When we began to walk away, Lord John straightened before remarking while adjusting his cufflinks.

"I would not agree, the weather is perfectly fine. Otherwise I would not have felt inclined to show Miss Charlotte the view."

He turned to glance at Aaron with a raised brow, "I take it you're leaving then?"

Aaron rolled his eyes before turning to face him with a polite smile.

"Yes. We had a wonderful time, though, thank you for everything. Charlotte here needs to get some rest before waking up bright and early in the morning to help me go fishing, isn't that right, minx?" He said, fondly smothering a hand over my updo curled hair to my chagrin. I frowned at him and smacked his hand away.

Lord John looked between us both in a strange brief bout of silence before he chuckled and nodded. He began to walk along with us down the balcony hallway then.

"I'll be traveling down south for a fortnite, but I do hope you shall give me the honor of taking you to dinner when I return, Miss Charlotte."

My eyes drifted down to the ground as I nodded, while slightly frowning to myself. I didn't wish to court could I tell him this? Should I wait until his portrait was completed by Aaron first? Would this affect his work? It shouldn't but...who was I to understand the mechinations of Victorian-era norms and values?

Our little, torrid secret also jeopardized everything I truly wanted. If even a single person suspected our feelings were anything but brotherly or sisterly, it could ruin his reputation and livelihood.

"Of course." I answered quietly with a faint smile.

When we reached the red, velvet stairs of the ballroom, Aaron took my hand and placed it over his arm as he bowed to Lord John. After saying our farewells, I noticed a sharp frown on Lord John's face that left me feeling deeply uneasy inside. Aaron was also wearing the same scowl as we left the Alcazar in silence.

The rain had begun to sprinkle down like a fine mist as Aaron hailed a hack.

Removing his evening coat, he instantly wrapped it around my shoulders. Moving foward, he told the driver our address and handed him a few coins. When he walked back to me I asked,

"So what was that back there? Why did you come after me?"

His eyes remained on my hand as he assisted me inside the carriage before taking the opposite seat across from mine.

"I have no idea what you mean." He quipped, frowning out the small carraige window as we began to move down the street.

"Oh don't you dare!" I exclaimed, making him jump and snap his attention on me.

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