Chapter Seventeen

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I kept my mind and hands busy with work, banishing the impending dread of Lord John's intentions of courtship. What the hell was "courting" supposed to be like anyway?

The men in my era were so unlike the men from this century. Asking for courtship...BAH! I dusted the pillar I had been working on for ten minutes even harder as I felt my anger brewing again.

There was no one I was interested in. No one. Especially Aaron; the idiot who gave his permission to John to court me.

Although, if this were the modern day, Aaron and I would have already been an item. No ettique or weirdness involved, just mutual attraction, some chitchat and food involved somewhere in between all that. But back in this time...oh how dreadful it was to be seen staying together in the same house to afford the damn rent! Under the guise of siblings no less.

Aaron wouldn't have dared called me a prostitute if he were from my time. Instead, he would've just been calling me hot. He would have asked for my number, not run away from me.

He would have merely smirked at John and snapped back, "Hell no you can't court her, simp, because she's already claimed by this guy."

God what I would give to go back to the future...with him. The way we...were.

By the time my shift was over for the day, I took my time walking home. Avoiding carriages in the street, pedestrians skirting to and fro, and- of course- the animal dung. Wincing from the evening sun, I glanced at some of the other women with plumed hats who seemed to have lovely shading available.

My eyes flickered over towards a shop down the street where dresses, hats, and parasols were on display in the front window. The store looked inviting with its opened French-doors and lamps still aglow. With a smile and my first-earned coin jingling inside my dress pocket, I made my way across the street to make my first purchase back in time.

Walking through the olden shop, I was greeted by a lovely aroma of oaken floors and pine, mingled with just a hint of vanilla. A couple other women, whose dresses were gorgeously gaudy with matching gloves and hats, stood by a shelf musing over fabrics.

"May I help you, young miss?" A kind voice asked from behind me, making me turn around quickly in surprise to see a kindly-looking older woman with warm brown eyes.

I returned her smile as I vaguely answered,

"I'm looking for a hat."

Her smile widened as she glanced towards a display of hats and bonnets nearby. Motioning with her hand for me to follow her, she said in a cheerful voice,

"Of course you do, dear, I have just the perfect selection. Also, if you should be needing a hat, I would recommend purchasing a coat for it as well, autumn will soon be upon us and we must be prepared!" Laughing lightly after she finished, her hands snatched up several differant hats. I found myself biting back a smile as she continued to talk incessantly while putting hat after hat on top of my piled-up hair.

Finally deciding on a simple, cream, wide-brimmed hat with a matching cream waist coat with hip pockets, I paid for the articles of clothing and left the shop feeling more like a woman.

It was strange...a few days ago I would have felt like a mad woman for wearing the outfit I was now in, but now, I felt stylish, al la mode, posh and sassy.

Just wait till Aaron sees me now, that stupidhead.

I thought with a smirk as I made my way "home".

When I walked through the door, my eyes were immediately drawn to the sight of a large crystal vase filled with white carnations on top of Aaron's desk. A small note layed nestled between the flowers. With heavy footsteps, I walked towards it with a grimace.

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