Chapter Four

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After waiting around for several minutes until I began to question my sanity once again, I sighed and turned away

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After waiting around for several minutes until I began to question my sanity once again, I sighed and turned away. Walking back to the elavator, my mind was still fixated on the ghost. What I found most peculiar of all, was how I had expected myself to be a lot more terrified than what I was. Although still scared and nervous, my curiosity far outweighed those feelings.

The ghost's eyes always came to the forefront of my mind and I constantly craved the sight of them again. I wanted to look into his face and simply be...I had no idea what I was even thinking. This was insanity at it's most pathetic level. I grimaced to myself in embaressment.

Well...not complete insanity. Either I was beginning to develop schizophrenia,  or there truly was a ghost up here in this tower terrace. I preferred to believe there was a ghost and the voice was not just in my head...besides...what about the wind? Or was Florida just weird like that?

I pushed in on the elevator button and waited for the doors to open. Stepping inside, I cast one last glance out to the fourth floor as I muttered a quiet,

"What is wrong with me?"

The doors closed and the elevator began to move downwards. I shoved my hands into my hoody pouch and leaned against the side of the wall in a mood.

Suddenly, the elevator lurched to an immediate stop.

I snapped my head up to look at the doors. They didn't open. To my surprise, the buttons for each floor on the antique button board were all lit up at once.

The lights flashed once before shutting off, leaving me standing in the darkness. I cursed aloud and began pressing buttons quickly. Had the elevator really just broken down?!

"Hello!?!?" I shouted out. Hopefully someone downstairs could hear me and go get help. I pressed the red emergency button several times yet the lights never came back on.

"Fantastic." I muttered dejectedly as I slumped back against the wall. The air suddenly dropped down to a freezing temperature and I saw my breaths come out in light gusts of white. My eyes had begun to adjust to the darkness and I looked around the empty space of the elevator with a feeling of trepidation.

Was it....was it back? Here? Inside the elevator with me?

I stood back up to my feet and shouted again in anxiety this time,

"Hello, can anyone hear me! I need help!"

All at once, a ice-cold hand clamped over my mouth. A body pressed up against me that I couldn't see at all. My heart lurched in fear at the weight of it, even though I was looking at the other wall of the elevator perfectly.

"Shhh." A voice whispered next to my ear. The invisible hand slowly left my mouth. Then there was a kiss. An invisible, freezing cold kiss.

My eyes opened wide as I remained frozen in place. I was getting kissed. By an invisible ghost. What...the...hell.

The Ghost of The Lightner MuseumWhere stories live. Discover now