Chapter Twenty

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The following day arrived with a freshness that crept up like the morning fog all around the sleepy town of St. Augustine. Inside the two-story home on King's street, the atmosphere was the same.

I had fallen asleep on the couch after spending hours talking to Aaron past midnight about the future and how much society itself was about to change with the turn of the twenty-first century. He truly listened with a fascinated expression on his face.

Asking questions here and again about my thoughts on future artists, I told him how one day entirely new styles of art would emerge. I then proceeded to show him my not-half-bad version of the kawaii-style. He snorted at my drawing before laughing.

Something in the air had seemed to slightly change around us, and I was certain upon that belief when I awoke the next morning with a happy smile and anticipation for the day. More specifically, I was extremely excited about the charity ball.

I was about to witness and take part of an actual, real ball and I couldn't be more elated at the prospect of being able to witness this side of history. Yes I knew there were modern day balls, but this would be something entirely different.

The dancing itself would be vastly different, which brought me to the idea of asking Aaron for a few quick tips. I did not want to embaress myself by being the idiot in the room with two left feet. I thanked the stars for today being a saturday as well as my first day off. We would have plenty of time to practice before tonight.

By the time Aaron awoke, I already had the nasty tar-black coffee brewing on the ancient iron stove that he loved so much. I even tried my hand at cooking, god forbid.

I hope he liked charred bacon and black toast smothered in butter, because that's what was for breakfast. An egg would have been nice, but alas, this kitchen was as ill-equipped in necessities as I was in the knowledge of ancient cooking ware. Oh how I missed my ramen...and microwaves...

"What's that awful smell? Did you light something on fire down here?" Aaron's voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to smile at him as I lifted up his plate of barely-edible food.

"No, I didn't actually. I made you breakfast." I said with a cheerful smile. He gave me a wary glance before taking the plate.

"...Thank you." He muttered in surprise as he grimaced down at the black substance on his plate.

"Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. Here." I said, shoving his cup of tar at him as well. His eyes widened as he stared down at it as if it were a foreign creature.

"Alright, what's going on?" He asked, suddenly darting his eyes back up to mine. I inhaled subtly before I answered,

"Okay, I have a favor to ask."

"I knew it." He said, taking a sip of the coffee. I scrunched my nose at him before continuing,

"The ball is tonight and I have no idea how to dance. Can you help me?"

Aaron nearly choked on his coffee.


I frowned at him.

"You know....something people do with their bodies...requires hip and leg movements...been around for centuries." My sarcasm did not go undetected as he scowled back at me before lifting a hand and rubbing his brow.

"What are your plans today?" He asked me then. I nearly grinned and spread my arms.

"You're looking at it."

He nodded, taking another swig of his tar coffee.

"Alright...this may take a while."

"More coffee?"


"left, right, step back, your left foot behind your right, like this." Aaron had one of my hands clasped in his while his other rested on my waist, slightly holding my back. I listened intently to his instructions while staring down at my feet in concentration.

The sounds of Tchaikovsky was playing through the phonograph inside Aaron's bedroom as we turned in another circle to the music. We had been dancing for over a half-hour so far and I was confident my waltzing would be...somewhat acceptable. Afterwards, he began to teach me the foxtrot and other local dances that were more fast-paced.

I changed the song to, Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay, to match the pace. Soon, Aaron was swinging me around the room in his arms while I was laughing. He grinned down at me before lifting one of my hands into the air and walking around me in a circle. When he came back in front of me, he placed both his hands on my hips and gently lifted me in a twirling circle. My hands caught his shoulders as I threw my head back and snickered at the exhilarating movements.

He chuckled and took hold of both my hands in his before taking a step back, spanning out our shared grasp before raising our arms like a bridge between us. Stepping closer, he smiled down at my flushed face with an endearing familiarity.

"You're catching on quick." He complimented before releasing one of my hands and making me walk around him in a half circle. I snickered.

"I just hope I don't step on anyone's feet tonight."

"Well you haven't so far, so here's hoping." He smirked before suddenly wrapping one arm behind my back and pulling me into a low dip. I held onto his other hand tightly as my head fell back. When he lifted me back up, my feelings were elated. I had never danced like this before with anyone and the moment was simply one that felt...intimately special with Aaron.

By the time the evening sun was skirting overhead through golden and pink-streaked clouds, Aaron decided I was fully ready and prepared for dancing at the ball.

To my surprise, he even started a bath for me afterwards, saying,

"You may use my room to prepare. I know women need more time and care in these matters what you must."

By the time I had bathed, shoved my hair atop my head in some semblance of a respectable bun with loose curls around my temple, I donned my exquisite ballgown gifted to me by Lord John. The scarlet red of the dress made my eyes brighten, and the floor-length folds that spread around me felt as soft as silk. The sleeves were fashioned to hang delicately off my shoulders and the waist of the gown sinched around my waist perfectly. I felt as if this dress were made for me.

When I walked down the stairs, I turned and entered the living room where Aaron was standing in front of the mantle, checking his pocket watch. He looked up at me at the same time I took in his handsome evening attire. The black suit paired with his collar and black hat made him appear positively dashing. Even his dark curls were combed back beneath the hat.

His dark eyes gazed back at me while his lips subtly parted. I felt my heartbeat pick up as I realized he was finding me just as entrancing as I found him. He stood there silently for several moments before clearing his throat and taking a step towards me. Gently taking my hand, he lifted it to his lips and pressed a kiss to the top of it, sending a flight of butterflies coursing through my stomach.

" look lovely."

His words caused a smile to curve up my lips. Extending his arm, I took it wrapping my hand around the crook of his elbow as I murmured,

"Thank you, Aaron."

He offered me a faint smile from the corner of his eyes as he said,

"Shall we then?"

"Yes. I'm ready."

Opening the door, he led me out to the evening streets of St. Augustine where a hired hack waited. Lord John had not been able to retrieve me as he was busy with others already at the charity ball. Although, arriving with Aaron somehow felt more right...more natural.

As he helped me up into the carriage, the warmth from his hand in my gloved one felt like electricity. Anytime he touched my skin felt like electricity, I realized. The carriage began to move through the lit street and we made our way towards my first historical ball.

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