1. Memories of Betrayal

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1. Memories of Betrayal

Memories, a recollection of past events; they’re either pleasant memories or long, horrid moments remembered in perfect detail. Memories, the reason she was here. Yes, the reason that she, Ginny Weasley, was sitting alone at some stupid, muggle pub trying to drown out her own hideous, disastrous memories; she thought sullenly. She sat alone, listening to a muggle device called a portable CD player. Raising the bittersweet drink to her lips, the lyrics brought back so many memories that showed vividly in her mind. And oh did she remember.

Ginny smiled happily as she walked to Harry Potter’s house in Godric’s Hallow and let herself in, like always. She made her way to the stairs humming a new tune. She looked around to make sure no one was home. She shouldn’t be here without him, she knew, but she missed him so much. Just being here for a little bit would make her feel better.

She finally found the door to his bedroom and pushed it open; smelling him in the air instantly and it brought gigantic dragonflies to her stomach. She loved being around his things if she couldn’t be around him. She thought about how much she missed him and that thought alone had her rooted to the spot, even if she wanted to leave.

Looking around his room, she found one of his cloaks on his bed. She undressed herself and draped it over her shoulders. It smelled like him. Hugging the robe to her body, she inhaled deeply the smell of her Harry. She then found his cologne and sprayed it all over. Oh Harry! She thought smiling. Humming happily she went down stairs and found a CD. Looking around his empty room, she thought about leaving. Harry should be home from work soon. But she couldn’t bring herself to actually leave. She needed this if she couldn’t see him.

Silently she thought about how he would react if he found her there. He’d be downright furious but still she couldn’t bring herself to leave.

She grabbed some candles and placed them around the bathtub. She filled the tub with warm bubbly water. When she went back into his room for a moment, she noticed a blank paper on his desk.

Ginny would have simply pushed it aside but then she smelled it; perfume. She flipped the paper to the back and didn’t see anything. She stared at it for a moment until she remembered the time, many years ago, when the Fred was still alive, that the twins used to write secret messages all over the walls at the Burrow. She bit her lip as she tried to remember the spell and then it popped into her head.

“Aparecium,” she whispered as she laid her wand against the blank sheet of paper.

She gasped when suddenly feminine writing appeared. It said:

‘My Harry,

I miss you so much.

I miss you in the morning when I wake up without you.

I miss you in the day when I have lunch without you.

I miss you those nights when I go to sleep without you.

I can’t wait any longer. Meet me at midnight.’

Ginny couldn’t believe her eyes. She read it again, over and over again, just to be sure. But there it was, right there was the evidence that it wasn’t a dream or rather… a nightmare. Angrily, she tore the letter up and burned the pieces.

She then backed away slowly until her back reached a wall and collapsed; tears stung her eyes. Harry was - Harry was cheating on her. How could he?

She cried and cried. She couldn’t stop.

Suddenly, she got to her feet and ran out of his house and apparated right on the spot. She appeared outside the apparition wards right outside the Burrow. She ran up to her room, the room she had been staying in since she was born seventeen years ago. Once she entered her room, she fell crying when she shut the door.

She couldn’t move.

Only when she was completely dehydrated did she get up.

Only when she couldn’t possibly cry anymore did she get up.

And only did she get up to find out who that bastard was cheating on her with.

Those thoughts, those memories alone could only bring Ginny to where she was. Every single time she remembered she found herself sitting at a muggle pub. Things were definitely not getting better.

She was so alone, so very alone.

She needed more distractions. She needed friends.

She had a great friend. She just didn’t think she’d go behind her back and get with her boyfriend, Ginny thought, remembering Hermione Granger.

When she thought back to that time, she remembered so many unpleasant things. Hermione Granger, that lying and conniving woman who had not only been her best friend but Ginny’s brother, Ron’s girlfriend. The dark haired girl had even, on more than one occasion, had looked Ginny in the eyes when she was worried about things with Harry.

How funny, really hilarious that when Ginny was scared Harry didn’t love her anymore that Hermione would assure her that he, indeed, did.

How stupid really? Ginny snorted as she brought the drink up to her lips.

“Stupid bitch,” Ginny grumbled angrily as she stared down at the glass. “If I only would have known what was going on back then I could have saved myself all this heartbreak.”

She hated them, she thought angrily.

Ginny downed the remainder of her drink and motioned for the bartender to refill her glass.

To down one’s sorrows in the chemicals of distress will do a great job; she only wished she could just drown, drown and not have to remember anything ever again.

Ginny hated them, she hated them for what they did to her. She inhaled deeply, realizing, once again she was prisoner to her own tragic memories.

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