Chapter 23 Family Ties and Pseudo Foes

Start from the beginning

"I know," Brook said with a sigh, rubbing his neck.

"We should throw her a surprise party to cheer her up! Make her feel so happy she won't even have time to think about her—loss," Jett suggested.

"Again with the party idea," Payton said, shaking his head skeptically.

"No, I actually think it's a good idea. If it'll cheer her up, I'll do anything," Brook said earnestly.

"Okay then, looks like we're having a party. Let's not tell Paige the secret either—she'll definitely tell Michelle," Payton said.

"Watch it bro, keeping secrets from your girlfriend is the surest way to a breakup," Reece teased him and got a punch in return.

"So it's settled—we party on Friday!" Jett whooped.

"Keep it down, the girls are in the next room!" Brook hissed. Payton grinned and felt his pocket for his phone. Not finding it, he got up and began to hunt for it.

"Lost something?" Brook asked on seeing him.

"My phone... I must have left it in the car, I'll be right back," he said leaving the room. He went down to the hotel parking lot and checked his car.

"Found it," he said to himself upon retrieving his phone from between the car seats. He shut the door and locked it. As he turned back to the hotel, he got a prickly feeling on his neck like he was being watched. He frowned and stiffened, alert at once. He cautiously looked around without appearing suspicious. There was no one in the parking lot but a bunch of empty cars. His eyes briefly landed on a particularly dark-tinted car but he turned away when he detected no movement from it.

"Must be my imagination," he muttered as he returned to the hotel. A pair of eyes watched him go through the glass of the tinted car. Mr. Cross clenched his fists.

"Your time is numbered, Night Blazers," he uttered to himself.

Soriano's nineteen-ninety-two white Porche zoomed along the deserted dusty roads leading up to Carson City, distinctively taking the roads back through time with its aged personality

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Soriano's nineteen-ninety-two white Porche zoomed along the deserted dusty roads leading up to Carson City, distinctively taking the roads back through time with its aged personality. Beside him sat Leslie, looking like she wanted to say something but biting down her words every time she saw the tension clenching the chief's jaw.

"We'll be there soon," Soriano said, more to himself than to her. He gripped his steering wheel tight as he drove and his face was rigid. Leslie knew it wasn't a good sign; usually, he drove his oldies-but-goodies with ease and comfort. The stress of his inner state was clearly visible in his driving.

"Chief, why didn't they tell us?" Leslie finally ventured to ask.

"Didn't want me to worry—or they're still mad at me," Soriano said sadly. "At least, if I had to take a guess."

"But still, Jett said it was a pretty serious case of carbon monoxide poisoning. He could've died," Leslie said, her own face veiling the worry she felt. Soriano's face twitched with emotion and Leslie lay a gentle hand on his knee.

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