Chapter 14: Training in Session

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Training Room, Justice League Watchtower, 7.30am

Bruce dodged Steve's fists, the latter also evading Bruce's deadly kick to the gut.

"Not bad." Bruce gave a small ghost of a grin.

"Please. I'm Captain America," Steve took a step back, sweat sticking his singlet, showing every curve of his body. He wasn't at all bored. "I've fought a lot of people."

"And I'd expected you to be much less when you woke up from your icy slumber," Bruce laid out his fists again. "I suppose I did underestimate you."

"One thing you shouldn't have done," Steve lunged for Bruce, and the training session turned into a wrestling brawl. Bruce fought against Steve's superhuman speed, pinning him down for three seconds. It wasn't much, but it took a lot of his muscle power to do so.

Bruce landed to his feet, offering Steve his hand, who took it. "I'd admit, that was pretty strong of you," Steve said. The two men walked out of the room as they sipped water from their bottles.

"How was it?" Bruce asked vaguely, before adding, "Adapting to this environment, I mean. If I were you, I would definitely be shell-shocked when I wake up to find myself 70 years in the future, surrounded by stuff you barely even know what is. And your past life--gone too soon, all of a sudden."

Steve gripped his bottle tightly. "Yeah. It's a bit hard. The world isn't what it used to be decades ago. And it's definitely weird that you're technically 100 years old but still look 20."

Bruce grinned. "Though that is what people would live for."

"True, but..." Steve sighed. "All those comrades, my friends. I may never see them again. It was just a claim of victory, and suddenly, I'm here. My best friend, Bucky, is still here, though he wasn't what he's supposed to be as he is now."

Bruce raised an eyebrow, keen to learn more about this 'Bucky'. But Steve turned away and looked at the others, clearly in heated combat.

Tony was in his Iron Man suit, using a shield to evade Clark's blows. Bruce knew the capacity in Clark's superhuman strength, and small, visible cracks had started to show. But Tony still stood firmly.

The next room were the women. Natasha punched a fist into Diana's face, who was thrown back, startled, but she didn't let the sudden move shake her. As Natasha advanced towards the demigoddess, Diana crossed her arms, and her gauntlets acted as her shield when Natasha enforced another punch. This time, it was the assassin who immediately bounced back.

Thor and Flash were in a heated debacle. Flash had attempted to run in circles, make his opponent dazed, but Thor was faster. With a summon of his hammer, the god of thunder sent lightning crashing onto the speedster, which luckily wasn't fatal. After the dust cleared, Barry was lying on the floor, fainted from the electrocution.

Cyborg faced Hulk yet again. Victor gazed up at Hulk, who no longer had any lingering trepidations for the monstrosity. Yet his robotic knees buckled slightly, since he knew how disastrous his last encounter with the green guy turned out.

"Hey...what's up?" Victor said, trying to engage conversation. But the green monster just grinned maliciously as he grabbed Victor's left leg and smashed him up and down, up and down, in an increasing speed, creating craters on the ceiling and the floor, where Victor had been hit with.

"You--win!" Victor cried, and Hulk set him down rather unceremoniously on the floor.

When everyone was done, they got out from the rooms. Steve nodded. "The Justice League is quite strong."

"And the Avengers are, too," Clark added. "I hope you guys learnt a lot about each other's fighting tactics from this session."

"I sure do," Diana said, glancing at Natasha and giving her a small smile.

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