Chapter 1: Trip to Gotham

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Stark Eco-Compound, New York, 9.20a.m.

"I don't see where Gotham's good," Katiya told her adoptive father Tony Stark. "I mean, it's the capital of crime. Even if we have a mission, you can't say it's a good idea to go on a vacation there."

A thin, brown-haired teenage boy came in with a blue suitcase in hand. "Gotham has its good side. Like its research on technology. I heard Wayne Tech is experimenting on something new."

"Run by a notorious playboy."

"You always see the worst in everything."

"You always see the best in everything Peter, which is gross."

"Enough!" Tony stood between his two surrogate children, hands held up, before it turns into a full-out brawl. "You two are always fighting. Please stop it for once; both of you are major influences for your sister."

Peter nodded meekly, head held down while Katiya cracked her knuckles, glancing at her adopted brother, silver eyes saying something like, 'we'll settle that later'.

Tony took Peter's suitcase and put in the boot, just like the rest of the bags. "Where's your mom and Morgan? They're taking too long."

As if on cue, two figures came out from the Compound, carrying loads of bags. "We're here."

"Took you long enough, Pepper," Tony grabbed the bags and dumped them inside the boot, and closing it. 

"Petey!" a short girl raced towards Peter, arms open wide for a big brother hug, which Peter gladly gave her.

"Alright!" Tony clapped his hands. "Nothing left, do we? If not, let us hop aboard and leave for a family vacation to Gotham City!"

He walked towards the driver seat, as Pepper took the front passenger seat, their three kids taking up the rear. Melissa let out a sigh that no one heard. This is going to be a long trip.

The car trip down south to Gotham City was long, possibly a few more hours before the Stark family could reach their destination. It was already afternoon, and barely a few cars at the highway.

The family had been doing their own business a few hours ago. Pepper was watching a drama on the small monitor installed in the SUV; Tony was drinking excessive amounts of caffeine to keep awake so he could drive without feeling tired; Morgan was sleeping on Peter's lap, who had also succumbed to slumber as well.

Katiya listened to the soft snores of her adopted siblings, before closing her eyes and losing all consciousness. 


"Fury," Katiya knocked on the door to the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s office. "Anything you need?"

"I've been watching the world map," he said, the usual calm twinkle in his eye. "Interesting to read it one more time."

"Being director must be boring." Katiya joked.

"Well, it is," Nick Fury was one of the best in this special law enforcement and a kind heart. Twice, he had enlisted two Russian spies to work for him, despite many protests, disagreements and threats to strip his power as director away from several dictators from the government. And twice, he had evaded being jobless.

"I heard Stark is planning a family vacation."

Katiya didn't say anything.

"You've progressed from ruthless child assassin to...something more of a warm-hearted sister. It's amazing, how family made you soft."

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