Chapter 11: Two Teams Meet

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The Helicarrier, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, 1.00pm

"There is no way Bruce is Batman," Tony said. 

It's true; his brain refused to acknowledge the truth sitting right before him. He closed his eyes, trying not to imagine Bruce's face underneath the bat mask.

But it already did. Tony groaned and slammed his hand over his head.

"And that's why we didn't try to tell you," Katiya said. She sat opposite him, arms crossed. "We'd knew you would react like that."

"But I deserve to know!" Tony banged his fists at the table. He had just been in the Helicarrier to fetch Katiya but heard Fury and her discussing heatedly over a case. 

And this was probably the karma he got for butting in.

To think that his best friend is a superhero like him...

And that he'd insulted him in his superhero identity.

This is a moment where he wants to hide his face so badly.

"Listen, we're looking for a way to communicate with them," Nick said, in a slow tone. "We were hoping if they could help us. And it doesn't help if you're breaking down."

"I'm not," Tony said. That was a lie. His brain couldn't even know how to process all these things.

"Well, since you're here, I was thinking maybe you could tell Bruce your identity, and the Avengers' aim to resolve world crime, but it might not be what you want, is it?" Katiya raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Of course not! Think about how he'd react when he knows everything. Oh my gosh. His head is going to explode from all this!"

"It won't be that exaggerated," Katiya reassured. And it's true. Tony knew Bruce would react in an expected, normal way.

"You know what?" Tony said. "Let's not think about Batman, or Bruce, or the Justice League whatnot. I'm just getting Katiya home, and then we'll think about the trouble later."


Wayne Manor, Gotham City, 3.00pm

Bruce is the Batman.

That's all Tony could think when he got back. Bruce is still at his company, most of his kids are frolicking about celebrating one of his kids, Steph's recovery, and Selina had gone out shopping, so the only people left in the manor are the Starks and Alfred.

Bruce is the Batman. 

Tony flopped onto his bed, sighing. It's too fake to be real.

But somehow? It made sense. 

Bruce is the Batman.

"You should quit your brooding," Katiya's sharp voice sliced into his brain. Tony sat up, and the braided, silver-eyed teen was standing before him. "That's his thing."

He as in Bruce, the Batman, Tony immediately thought. Shoving it away in his brain, he said, "What?" 

"You said you'll think about all those problems later. And in my opinion, later means now, when you've got nothing to do on your hands." Katiya narrowed her eyes. 

"Fine." Tony stood up. "I'll figure out a way to deal with these. But I'm pretty sure you came here not to just tell me to do these things, right?"

Katiya didn't answer, and Tony added, "What do you want?"

"I just want to tell you that I'm going out," Katiya replied.

"Out? Again?" Tony frowned, but it quickly dissipated. "It's about your brother, is it? Where is he?"

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