Chapter 13: Moving In

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A black van vroomed along the empty highway.

Inside it were the Teen Avengers, clumped at the farthest end of the vehicle, with Dick as the driver, and Damian (dressed in his Robin costume) sitting at the passenger seat.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Katiya questioned, looking out towards the window. Miles of shrubbery entered eye's view as the car drove past.

"Titans Tower," Dick replied, turning back for a second to face her. "The home of the Teen Titans. You're also teaming up with them. Your quarters will be there as well."

"Are they nice?" Kate asked.

"Super," Dick nodded. "The leader, Starfire, is a... close friend of mine. She's really kind and sweet if you get to know her more."

Damian let out a little scoff, and Katiya knew instantly that there's something more to Dick and this 'Starfire'.

"Most of them are orphaned, or their parent(s) are just plain evil, or they're clones." Dick answered. The van started to swerve slowly as Dick turned the wheel slightly left. "So, most of them have parental issues, and please do me a favor. Don't bring up their parents, okay? It's a tough thing to handle."

"Sure," Harper nodded slowly. Katiya felt as if a feeling of true understanding was from her eyes; she knew Harper had lost not just her parents, but her siblings, in just one fateful day in a huge car crash. She'd suffered a lot.

All was quiet until Dick broke the silence a few moments later. "Ah, here we are!"

The Teen Avengers craned their necks in rising joy and curiosity. From afar, a huge tower came into view. It was only until they were a little closer did Katiya realized it was shaped like a large 'T'. The architecture was made of mostly glass, tainted blue, while the white walls were the outlines. It gave off such a serious vibe, hardly anyone would know that teenagers were living inside there.

Dick stopped the car smoothly in front of the entrance, where several people were waiting--probably the Teen Titans. The Teen Avengers stood up, preparing to exit the van. Katiya fetched for her duffel bag and placed the strap on her shoulder.


Katiya, as usual, began her impressions on every single one present.

One stood out from the several teens. She looked as if she was in her early 20s rather than a teen. She had fiery auburn hair, and green eyes with no whites. She was wearing a purple one-piece suit which showed off a lot of skin that looked orange. She must be Dick's 'friend' Starfire, Katiya thought, remembering of their conversation earlier in the van.

"This is Starfire, the leader of the Teen Titans," Dick began his introduction. He placed a small tap on Katiya's shoulder, signaling her. "This is Katiya, leader of the Teen Avengers."

"Nice to meet you," Starfire said, extending her hand. Her voice was so soft and smooth, yet firm with seriousness and authority. "I hope our two teams will get acquainted with each other soon."

"Same," Katiya took her hand, and shook it. She gave a small glance at the nails. Neatly polished, she thought.

"This is Raven," Starfire introduced, gesturing to a girl no older than 16. She had pale skin, in a dark leotard with a matching cloak, the hood covering her face except for the eyes, a very dark purple.

"This is Beast Boy but call him Garfield when we're not in action." The boy was younger than Raven, probably 14-15. He had unnaturally green skin and hair, elfishly pointed ears, and golden eyes. He was in a skintight suit mostly colored in red, with black and white highlights. He flashed the Teen Avengers a lopsided grin.

"That's Jaime Reyes, or Blue Beetle." The boy had shaved the sides of his black hair, keeping a tuft in the middle intact. He has warm, brown eyes with an intent gaze. Behind him, seemingly glued to his spine, was a mysterious blue thing.

"This is Superboy, or known as Conner Kent. He's the clone of Mr. Clark's DNA and his archenemy Lex Luthor." The boy was straight-off fierce, from his gaze to his punk-style clothes. His hair was carefully gelled, so it sticks right up, has a black leather jacket over his Superboy uniform, which is a knockoff from Superman's own uniform. He had the same logo but has a one-piece suit.

"This is Kid Flash. He's been here since this team was founded." The guy looked like he was in his early 20s, the same age as Starfire and Dick. He had fiery red hair, and in a red-and-white suit. "His real name is Wally West, the Flash's nephew."

"And this our latest member, Terra. She joined just a few months ago." The girl was shorter than the rest, and had short blonde hair cut tomboy style. Her eyes were icy blue, staring at the newcomers. She ran her hand along her shoulders nervously.

After Katiya introduced her members, Starfire took them inside the tower.

"Everything looks so serious," Katiya heard Braelynn whisper to Kate.

"And white," Kate replied. The walls were painted a shade of ebony white, making the whole room gleam brightly even when the lights were off. Katiya had to squint her eyes the whole tour.

"It's okay," Starfire assured, as if hearing her thoughts. "You'll get used to it. The light, I mean."

Titans Tower was a tall building, with about one-third of the tower were used as a long elevator. According to Starfire (while they were in the elevator), the top part is where the rooms were at. The half part of the vertical line that makes the 'T' mostly has the kitchen, training room, and the infirmary.

The tour was quick and rushed, but Katiya remembered every detail, from the fresh smell of homemade baked bread from the kitchen, the smell of medicine in the infirmary, and a faint smell of lavender wafting through the air.

"The lavender helps calm our nerves," Starfire had explained about the smell.

After Starfire had let them try the bread she had made earlier ("It's so soft!" Braelynn remarked), they moved back to the elevator and up to the top floor.


Starfire pointed to a hallway opposite from another identical hallway.

"These are your rooms for the time being," she said.

"Thanks," Harper said, while the rest of the members scattered.

Katiya entered the room closest to the end of the hallway and slammed the door behind her. She scanned the room. Everything looked bland, from the white walls to the blue bed.

She threw her duffel bag onto the bed and sat down on the floor.

Things are about to get interesting...

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