Chapter 4: Avengers vs. Justice League

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A flash of thunder crashed, illuminating the dark surroundings for only a mere second.

But even the darkness couldn't hide the brawl starting within it.

Fists met, clashing with immense power that sent to two opponents tumbling backwards. Battle cries echoed through the walls. Weapons were fired.

Yup. Just a classic battle between two superhero teams.


20 hours ago

"...and Tony, please explain further on the strategy of our plan for tonight."

Steve calling his name sent Tony startle back to reality. He had just seen Morgan playing dart guns with Dick, both of their giggles still heard a few feet away. 

That scene was enough to send him into a daydream, where someday, when all these things were over, his family was having a perfectly normal day on a field. Peter was sitting with a girl, who had tanned skin and a lovable smile cast upon him - his never-seen-before girlfriend that Tony imagined, after hearing his talk with his problems; Morgan making bubbles with her mother Pepper; Katiya silently reading a book, and even though she acted like she was coerced into the trip, she still let out a small hint of a smile; and Tony himself, sitting on a checkered picnic mat, a basket of food lying next to him, an opened bottle of whiskey and half-filled crystal goblet next to him, smiling so radiantly at his family that his jaw hurt from it.

It all felt so, so real. 

And he wished he could stay there forever.

But of course, he still had important matters in his hands that he and his team had yet to finish.

Matters that could possibly take a long period of time to take care of.

"Tony," Steve said. "Your strategy."

"Yes." Tony coughed. "Fine." Sometimes, the badass part of him wished he could just snap at Steve Rogers, and relished on the mere thought of it. But that another goddamn angelic half reminded him of Steve's superiority as leader, and being his elder, as well as the fact that it was his fault for not paying attention during the meeting.

And besides, thank god they're meeting virtually.

"...what were we talking about again?"

Steve sighed, his hologram rippling for a moment. "Fine. I'll tell you all the details again. So, we received an anonymous e-mail that a villain team will be meeting in an exact location in Gotham, at 12 midnight sharp. Their names are not listed, but it's clear they're making a deal. The contents didn't specify what they're trading, but it's possible for things like drugs, or smuggled goods. And now, your strategy."

Tony hummed, thinking deeply.

"I suggest we ambush," a voice piped up - Natasha's. The red-haired assassin looked at everyone. "It's the best strategy. We attack when they least suspect it."

Tony nodded. "Yup. She's right. I also propose that we divide into four groups, and attack from each side."

"Problem is," Clint said, "That we don't have enough people. Well, there's six of us, plus Scott Lang and T'Challa and his sister and general, but then, how many goons will be there is still an unfixed variable, and the others hadn't arrived yet. We need more arms."

"The Teen Avengers would help," Nick suddenly said, and Tony nearly jumped. He was so quiet, Tony forgot he was there. "If you need more people, just tell them. I didn't make a backup team for nothin'."

"Then it's settled," Steve said. "Any questions?"

No one raised their voices.

"Good. We'll meet at the warehouse by 11.55."

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