037. bedridden

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"Wow. We are so related." Dean smiles.

"Did you cut your hair?" Sam asks.

"I'm gonna keep it short if I'm gonna go out on a hunt, you know? Why give the bad guys the advantage of long pullable hair, right?"

"Wow. I've been trying to tell Sam that for years." Dean remarks making Sam roll his eyes.

"Did you say, uh, "going out on a hunt"?" Sam asks.

"I found a case." Mary says.

"I thought you were still struggling with even the idea of the internet." Sam says.

"I had Dean pick me up some newspapers when he went into town." Mary says.

"Whoa, whoa. I... you didn't tell me you were looking for a case." Dean says.

"I wasn't. I just... found one. Minnesota. Two dead, locked room. Victims had put in a call about a crying baby. But the place was empty. The only thing at the scene was their bodies. Been five days and the coroner still hasn't put out a cause of death. Seemed fishy."

"It's probably nothing. I just thought I might... get out there, stretch my legs." Mary says.

"I-I thought you weren't down to hunt in the first place." Sam says.

"Well, things change, right? Family hunting trip." Dean says.

"Sure." Mary forces a smile.

"All right. Meet at the car in 10." Dean says and Mary leaves. Dean gets up.

"What about the R&R?" Sam asks.

"W-- look, man, Cas healed your s'mores foot, all right? And Rissy's. I got Baby back to mint. We're road ready. And if mom wants to hunt, I say we hunt."

"So, what? We just leave Lissy?" Sam asks.

"Well, try to get her to come with. You know, some outside time would be good." Dean says.

"What do you think I've been trying to do, Dean? She barely even talks let alone gets out of bed." Sam says.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know." Dean mutters. "You can stay back. Mom and I got this one."

~ ~ ~

Sam walks into the bedroom with a plate of pancakes and bacon. He kneels next to Larissa who is just staring into space.

"Lissy?" He softly calls, putting a hand on her arm. "Got you some breakfast." He waves the plate in front of her face, but she doesn't care. Sam sadly sighs as he puts the plate on the nightstand. "You gotta eat, babe. If you don't, then--"

"Then I'll eventually die?" Larissa questions, her voice hoarse from the lack of speaking she does. "Who cares?"

"I care." Sam says. "Look, mom and Dean are going on a case and Cas is following a possible lead on Lucifer, so it's... it's just the three of us."

"Go on the case." Larissa tells him.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Go work on the case. I'll be fine."


"Go." Her voice is sterner than usual as she gives him a look to listen to her.

"I don't know, babe. You-- you haven't left the bed in almost two weeks. And leaving you to go on a hunt--"

"Sam, I would really love to be alone. And the way to do that is if you go on this fucking case. So, go." She tells him.

"Fine. Just at least text back when I do, please." Sam tells her. Larissa just waves him off.

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