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Dreamity / quackitywastaken.
Emotionless Dream?
Mention of Abuse.
Dream sat in corner of cell not moving just staring emotionally at lava.
He was pale skinny wound his hair grow longer.
His shiny emerald green eyes lost the shiny and are just dull.
He haven't eaten In days months he honestly lost the track.
Every person who comes to visit noticed Dream's action.
He didn't even talk to them he just started emotionally at them.
He would do this all day all night not moving just sitting there.
Today Sam went to cell to change Dream's bandages.
He walked in and looked at Dream.
He looked aside seeing all rotten potatoes that he gave Dream to eat but yet not one of them was taken bite out of.
"Why didn't you eat Dream?" Sam asked walking over to Dream.
Dream didn't respond.
"Look how fucking skinny you are you will get sick of you don't eat" Sam stated taking Dream's arms and wrapped them in new bandages.
Dream still didn't respond he just stared at him.
Sam honestly felt bad for Dream I mean no wonder Dream completely stopped talk eating sleeping.
After Sam was changed into new bandages.
"Quackity will be visiting soon" Sam said looking at Dream before leaving.
Dream didn't even tense a muscle.
Right after Sam left Quackity walked in smiling.
"Hello Dreamie~" Quackity laughed.
Dream didn't show any signs of fear at this point he didn't even care if he gets killed.
Quackity walked over to him and kneel down.
"What's wrong sweetheart?~" Quackity asked placing his hand on blonde's cheek.
Dream didn't say anything.
"Quiet time baby" Quackity said caressing blond's cheek.
Again Dream didn't respond he blankly stared at Quackity.
Suddenly tears start forming into Dream's eyes.
And he begin crying softly.
Quackity pulled him in hug rubbing his back.
Dream continue crying into Quackity's shoulders.
"Shhhhh is okay let it out" Quackity whispered.
Dram begin screaming probably shaking the whole prison.
Quackity hugged him tighter.
"I-I it h-hurts!!" Dream screamed.
"I know it does" Quackity replied.
Dream continued to screamed and cry.
Until he couldn't anymore and passed out.
Quackity wrapped him in his cape and picked him up. And carried him out of the cell.
"Thank you Sam but I will be taking Dream from now on" Quackity  replied earning a nod from Sam.
He carried Dream out of the prison.
From now on Dream will be in Las Nevadas.

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