*• My little Nerd•*

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Dream is a football player who is dating Bad a school nerd nobody knows why Dream like him so much.
But Dream didn't care what people think about their relationship.
Nobody's Pov:
Dream was finishing his football practice and was about to take his stuff to change for his next class.
''Babe!'' A voice behind Dream shouted.
He turns around to see his boyfriend running towards him.
Dream giggle and open his arms Bad run into his arms.
''Hey baby'' Dream said kissing Bad forehead.
Bad smile snuggling into Dream's chest.
''Baby I'm gonna go change can you wait here'' Dream said breaking a hug.
Bad nodded and wait.
Dream quickly change and took his sports bag and his book bag.
He walks out of changing room.
Dream smile at Bad and grab Bad hand and off they went.
Bad was talking to Dream about his work.
Dream smile.
They eventually made their way to class and sat
In the back of the class.
Bad-held Dream hand whole class.
Even tho some of their classmates were laughing and making fun of Bad.
''Oi fuckers shut the fuck up'' Dream yelled making them all shut up.
Bad giggle ''Babe watch your mouth'' he said.
Dream laugh pulling Bad in his lap.
Bad placed his head on Dream's shoulder and kissed his neck.
''Aww showing some affection~'' Dream said rubbing Bad hips.
Bad giggle slightly kissing Dream's jawline all up to his face capturing his lips.
Bad was in control of the kiss Dream was just following Bad moves.
They eventually broke away from kiss thin string of saliva connecting them.
''Did they just make out in front of us'' Some girl said jealously.
''We did mind your own damn business'' Bad said cuddling Dream chest.
''Darling watch those pretty mouths of your~'' Dream said smirking.
Bad scoff and snuggle even closer to Dream.
Dream smile and kiss the top of Bad head.
''My little nerd~'' Dream whispers.

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