[_Baby Doll_]

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Fundy was your regular jock , flirting with girl making out with one of them everyday.
But he didn't like any of them he actually have his eyes on Dream a quite cute blond male who is smart and beautiful.
He always wear soft color clothes that suit him.
That actually why his nickname was baby doll.

Fundy was leaning on locker making out with some random girl who was a bad kisser.
He suddenly pulled away when Dream walked past him giving him a gentle smile.
Fundy's heart melted.
He wore one of his iconic outfits.

He wore one of his iconic outfits

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Fundy couldn't stop staring at him damn he got curves Fundy thought to himself

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Fundy couldn't stop staring at him damn he got curves Fundy thought to himself.
And he got glasses on today he was fucking adorable.
Fundy pushed girl away and follow after Dream.
''Hey baby doll~'' Fundy said pinning Dream to wall.
''Hello Fundy'' Dream said looking at orange hair male.
''You look absolutely adorable today well you look adorable everyday'' Fundy said smiling.
''Well thank you'' Dream said fixing his glasses.
Fundy smirked.
''Well do you mind helping me today in class'' Fundy said running his free hand down Dream waist.
''I don't see why not'' Dream said grabbing Fundy by collar of his jacket.
''Listen here Fundy I don't know what kind of game are you playing with me if you are trying make me fall in love with you just to dump me in front of everyone you better stop now'' Dream said harshly into Fundy's ear pushing him away.
Fundy stood there before smirking and chuckling.
''Damn he is even more hotter when he is harsh'' Fundy said under his breathe.
Running off to his class.

They have substitute teacher who is watching after them.
Fundy sat in back next to Dream.
Teacher handed them out sheets that their history teacher left for them.
Dream went right away to work.
Fundy smiled looking at Dream.
''Do you mind not staring'' Dream said looking at Fundy.
''I can't you are fucking gorgeous'' Fundy said.
Dream blushed.
''Shut the fuck up'' Dream said hitting Fundy's arm.
''Well i need you help please'' Fundy said.
Dream nodded and stood up walking closer to Fundy.
Fundy smiled pulling Dream on his lap.
Dream didn't give a fuck.
Fundy's hand was resting on Dream thigh.
Dream explained and show his worksheet to Fundy who actually listen for once.
''Dream why are you on Fundy's lap?'' Teacher asked.
''Oh Im helping him and table is too small for my chair to fit'' Dream said smiling gently.
''In that case that's okay'' Teacher said getting back to her work.
''Doll you smell like strawberry'' Fundy whisper into Dream ear.
''I know Fundy stop groping my waist and thigh'' Dream said glaring at Fundy.
''Only if you give me kiss'' Fundy said smirking resting his head on Dream shoulder.
Dream scoffed and turn towards Fundy giving him a quick peck.
Fundy smiled kissing Dream neck.
Dream groan placing his hand on back of Fundy's head.
''Funds can we do this later please not in middle of class'' Dream said biting his lip.
''Meet me in bathroom after this class'' Fundy said as bell range.
Dream got off Fundy's lap and grabbed his stuff as Fundy already left.
He went to his locker before running off to bathroom.
He walk in and shut the door.
''Funds?'' Dream said quitly.
Fundy came on from one of the stalls.
''Baby doll~'' Fundy said grabbing Dream by waist.
Dream blushed wrapping his arms around Fundy's neck.
''Don't you have a girlfriend'' Dream asked.
''Nah she ain't my girlfriend but you can be my boyfriend'' Fundy said kissing Dream.
Dream kissed back slipped his hand into Fundy's hair.
Kiss was quit passionate and rough.
Fundy's hands massage Dream waist.
Fundy licked Dream lips asking for enter.
Dream opened his mouth and Fundy slipped his tongue in.
''Ahhh~'' Dream moan in kiss.
Fundy suddenly picked Dream up holding him by thighs.
Dream let out a surprised gasp.
''Holy shit you are light '' Fundy said kissing Dream neck.
''F~fuck you'' Dream said gripping Fundy's hair.
''I would love to fuck you darling~'' Fundy said sucking on pale skin leaving hickeys.
''You damn pervert~'' Dream said hitting Fundy's head causing him to bite hard on Dream neck making him bleed.
''Shit'' Fundy said looking at what he done.
''Hey is okay don't worry about it'' Dream said  as Fundy placed him down.
He grabbed few tissues and begin cleaning the bite.
''Im sorry doll'' Fundy said.
''Is okay Funds don't apologize'' Dream said kissing Fundy's cheek before grabbing hand and leaving the bathroom.
Random girl ran up to them ''Babe where were you?'' She asked.
''First of all im not you boyfriend and second Im dating someone'' Fundy said pulling Dream begin him.
''W-what who!'' Girl said angrily.
''Well the Baby Doll of the school'' Fundy said.
''What that fucking softy'' Girl said.
''Bitch at least i have curves and im not flat'' Dream said glaring at girl.
Girl let out a dramatic gasp and storm off.
''Wow good job baby'' Fundy said kissing Dream.
Dream smiled.
''Since im your boyfriend now im the boss of this relationship'' Dream said giggling.
''Im i supposed to be worry about that'' Fundy said chuckling.

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