--Spring Dance --

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Ninjawastaken and Dream harem.
Credit to the artist I found it on Pinterest.
Enjoy!!! :)
Dsmp has every year spring dance and of course, Dream only goes for his friends but this time Ninja asked him to go together and Dream agree.
Dream was getting ready he put on a short white dress with some green choker and ribbon at the front also some white heels.
Ninja was waiting for him in front of the castle with some roses.
Dream step out and made his way to Ninja.
''Hey,'' Dream said smiling brightly.
''Woah you look amazing'' Ninja said blushing softly.
He handed Dream the roses.
Dream giggle and hooked his arm with Ninja and off they went.

Dance and the whole party was at the open field with a dancing area.
Ninja helped Dream to clime down cause of his heels.
'' Wow, this place is beautiful'' Dream said gazing around.
''Yeah, it is ill go get drinks, okay'' Ninja said walking away from Dream.
''Hey darling~'' Wilbur said kissing Dream's cheek.
''Hey, Will'' Dream said giggling.
''You came alone or'' Wilbur asked.
''Oh, no I'm with Ninja'' Dream said holding onto Wilbur.
''Lovely just be carful okay'' Wilbur said kissing Dreams knuckles.
''Okay Will love you'' Dream said smiling.
''Love you too dear'' Wilbur said back walking away.
Ninja came back and gave Dream a glass of fruit punch.
''Thanks,'' Dream said kissing Ninjas cheek.
''No worries'' Ninja said chuckling.
''Lets go dance'' Dream said grabbing Ninjas hand and pulling him onto the dance floor.
Dream placed Ninja's arm on his waist and another holding Dream's hand gently.
And they begin dancing slowly and softly.
Dream giggles at the sight of Ninja's red face.
''You okay darling?'' Dream whisper into Ninja's ear.
''Yeah, im fine just many guys staring at you'' Ninja whisper back.
Dream chuckle ''Well you can maybe join harem'' He said looking at Ninja.
''Can i?'' Ninja asked smiling slightly.
''Of course'' Dream said slow dancing still.
Then he stopped and dragged Ninja to the table where the dream harem was.
''Hey, guys'' Dream said waving to his harem.
''Hey, sweetheart'' Techno said.
''What do you need?'' Karl asked.
''Well is it okay with you guys if Ninja joins the harem'' Dream asked doing his puppy eyes.
''We cant say no to you'' Sapnap said.
''Yes he can'' George said smiling at the blond.
Dream smiled and hugged them.
''Don't make our baby doll cry or hurt him we will end you'' Wilbur said in a dark voice.
Ninja shivered and nodded his head.

Dream Harem OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora