($Player Dream$)

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Bottom Dream.
Dream harem.
Dream is known as a School whore who hooked up with half of the football team.
But one group, in general, had their eyes on Dream for a long time.....
Dream is a well-known school whore and a player.
Rumors said he slept with half of the football team.
But there is one well-known group of guys who know why Dream is doing this.

Is Badass group:

Dream would walk around school wearing short skirts and crop tops.
Today he wore a green crop top with a fishnet shirt under a green short skirt matching with top which had a white smiley face on ( Look picture above ^).

''Aha their goes our little babydoll'' Sapnap said looking a Dream who is flirting with some random guy.
''As always he looks fucking hot'' Karl said smirking slightly.
Dream giggled and flash group a smile.
''Holy fuck'' Punz said chuckling.
''Mhm our baby is player how cute'' Techno said smiling.
Dream stopped talking to some random dude and swing his hips slightly.
''Hey hot stuff~'' Dream said winking at Wilbur.
Wilbur smirked pulling Dream by hips.
''Hey darling~'' Wilbur said looking at Dream.
''Mhm you seem really exited to see me and touch me~'' Dream said wrapping his arms around Wilbur neck.
Wilbur chuckled kissing Dream's cheek.
Dream let out a soft giggle.
''I wish i can stand longer with you guys but I can't , I will talk to you guys in class'' Dream said air blowing harem a kiss.
''Damn he is perfect'' George said blushing.
''I was in heaven while holding him'' Wilbur said simply.

The bell rang and they left to go to their class.
And as expected Dream was sitting in middle in the back row with 3 sits on his left side and 3 to his right.
He smirk at the harem and winked at them.
And Harem of course sat next to him.
''Aw did you save us seats '' Techno said wrapping his arm around Dreams waist.
''Only for you~'' Dream said giggling softly.
Making harem chuckled.
''How sweet of our babydoll~'' Karl said kissing Dreams knuckles.
''Oi jackass hands off my boyfriend '' Some random jock yelled.
''Sweetheart you didn't realize yet that I never liked you'' Dream said pulling Karl in a kiss in front of jock's eyes.
Karl kissed back without hesitation.
Jock's eyes widen as tears run down his cheek.
''Fucking crybaby'' Sapnap mumbled.
Dream pulled away from kiss with Karl.
''That was fucking hot'' Karl said blushing.
''Damn baby didn't know you have that in you'' George said smirking.
Punz chuckled winking at Dream.
Dream giggled softly.

And rest of the class went smooth and lovely.
The moment bell rang Dream was first one out of the class and was about to leave.
When he was pulled back by Techno.
''Babycake how about you spend lunchtime together~?'' Techno said smirking.
Dream nodded and made grabby hands.
Techno chuckled and picked Dream up and carried him to lunch area.
They all sat together Dream on Sapnap laps.
Dream usually doesn't eat during lunch he is never hungry.
''Baby you have to eat something'' Sapnap said looking at Dream.
''I'm not hungry babe'' Dream mumbled.
Sapnap look at rest of the group.
''Precious come with me let's talk'' George said standing up with Dream.
And off two went outside.

''Cupcake tell me what's wrong ?'' George said holding Dream hand.
''I-I don't want you to judge me'' Dream said stuttering slightly.
''Baby Love i wont judge you I promise '' George said hugging Dream.
''Well I know you think I'm a whore of the school and I know i am . But the real truth is that I'm like this because of my parents , My parents taught me do be like this or guys will walk all over me, So i start dressing reveling and hooking up with guys and doing thing that I'm doing right now , and my parents were proud of me and i knew that i fucked up when i start being a whore and i regret everything and my mom told me If I'm not pretty or skinny nobody will like me so i start wearing make up and basically starving my self or have a strict diet.'' Dream said tears forming in his eyes.
George froze after what Dream told him and hugged him even tighter.
''I'm sorry babycake that your parents are like that but you cant starve you self and you are pretty no matter what okay.'' George said kissing Dream cheek.
''Thank you'' Dream said snuggling into George neck.
George chuckled and went back to lunch area.
He sat down and looked sadly at rest.
''What happened with darling?'' Punz said kissing Dream hand.
''Well Dream is basically forced to be a whore and his parents taught him to be like this so he wouldn't get walked all over by guys and his mom taught him that if he wasn't skinny or pretty nobody will like him and he starved him self and wear makeup'' George said holding sleeping Dream.
Group looks at George and then at Dream.
''Our baby is starving himself'' Wilbur said voice cracking.
''Oh my lord poor thing'' Karl said leaning on Sapnap.
''His parents seem like a jerk'' Sapnap said gridding his teeth.
''Sappy calm down'' Punz said rubbing Dream cheek.
Dream slowly woke up and looked around.
''Hey, sunshine'' Techno said smiling gently.
Dream smiled and snuggled back into George.
''We love you baby'' Harem said earning a giggle from Dream.
''I love you too guys'' Dream said softly.

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