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Quackity x Jschlatt x Dream ( I don't know the ship name for these three)
(Can we take a second and look at the fanart above it is adorable 😊).
Request by Crystal_Ca1.
Dream work for Quackity at the bar as a waiter.
Quackity always flirts with Dream and made him feel safe.
Quackity give half of the money to Dream since Dream is money material.
Also, Dream has a son to raise Connor whom Quackity treats like his own.
Even tho his real dad is Schlatt but Dream never told Schlatt that he has a son.

''Mama?'' Connor said tugging on Dream's uniform.
''Yes, sweetheart?'' Dream said petting his son's head.
''Can you play with me,'' Connor said smiling at his dad.
''Sorry sweetie mama is busy now but papa can play with you'' Dream said bringing Connor to Quackity's office.
''Hello master'' Dream said entering Quackity's office.
''Darling welcome what do you need?'' Quackity asked looking up at Dream.
''Can you maybe keep Connor some company while I work'' Dream said as Connor giggled.
''Of course, I can come here my little duck'' Quackity said as Dream handed him, Connor.
''Papa!'' Connor said hugging Quackity.
''Thank you master'' Dream said giving Quackity a shy smile before walking out of the office.

Dream went back to his work until he was met with an unexpected guest Schlatt.
He collect himself and went up to his table.
''Hello, sir what can I get for you today?'' Dream asked.
''Oh Dream long time no see baby~'' Schlatt said smirking slightly.
Dream look at Schlatt realizing how similar Connor and he look alike.
Connor had brown hair with some blond highlights he also had some small goth horns.
The only thing he had similar to Dream was his eyes which were emerald green.
Dream snapped out of his thoughts.
''Nice to see you to Schlatt and please don't call me that'' Dream said unamused at Schlatt.
''Get me red wine'' Schlatt said.
Dream nodded and went to get red wine for Schlatt. He gave him a glass of wine and that was his last guest for him to serve.

Quackity's office door opened and Connor ran out followed by Quackity.
''Mama!'' Connor yelled running towards Dream.
Dream smiled and kneel down opening his arms.
Connor hugged Dream.
''Hello, sweetheart'' Dream said standing up with Connor in his arms.
''Mama Papa is so cool to hang out with can I play with him tomorrow'' Connor said making puppy eyes.
''If papa has time okay'' Drea said as Connor nodded.
''Thank you master'' Dream said looking at Quackity.
''No problem Mi Amor~'' Quackity said kissing Dream's cheek.
''Dream?'' Schlatt said as Dream turn around same with Quackity.
''Schlatt old mate welcome'' Quackity said.
''Mama who is that?'' Connor asked looking at Dream.
''He is mama's old friend'' Dream said hugging Connor.
''Dream you have son?'' Schlatt asked waking closer to Dream.
''I do'' Dream said holding Connor closer.
''Who is the father?'' Schlatt asked.
''Quackity is his father but not biological one'' Dream said rocking Connor so he fell asleep.
''Okay, but who is his biological father?'' Schlatt said looking directly at Dream.
''You are'' Dream said tearing up slightly.
Schlatt stood frozen looking at Dream.
Quackity pulled Dream in a hug rubbing his back.
''How old is he?'' Schlatt asked.
'' 5 years old'' Dream said looking at Connor who fell asleep.
''You hide my son from me for 5 fucking years!'' Schlatt said half yelling.
''I was scared you will be mad and kicked me out of the house so that is why I broke up with you'' Dream said sobbing softly.
''Schlatt stop yelling at him you are making him stressed'' Quackity said calming Dream down.
''Dream sweetheart I wouldn't ever be mad at you if you told me I have a son'' Schlatt said hugging Dream from behind.
Dream calmed down as Connor woke up.
''Mama who is that man?'' Connor said pointing at Schlatt.
''Connor baby this man is your real dad'' Dream said as Connor stared at him.
''My real papa'' Connor said reaching for Schlatt.
Schlatt took Connor and he hugged him.
''Hey, my little angel'' Schlatt said to Connor.
''Mama is my other papa still my parent'' Connor asked looking at Quackity.
''Of course, I am still you daddy'' Quackity said hugging Dream and kissing his shoulder.
''We are happy family'' Connor said pulling them all in a hug.

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