|64| It beats for you

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As the sun we always
Rise again.


tolnoe                              _______________

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"WAKE UP" I hear Aaron yell

I gasp jolting awake,

"Are you okay?" The nurse asks making me look around the room in confusion,

"Dream" I whisper, my voice hoarse and throat dry as small memories of me waking up and falling back asleep from the past day settles into my mind.

She nods "you had a heart transplant, congratulations you don't have heart failure anymore" she smiles handing me a water cup,

"Aaron?" I choke out after attempting to swollen down a few sips of water before asking the question I'm scared to ask

She smiles "is right next to you in the other bed, he said before he went into the transplant surgery he wanted to wake up in the same room as you"

I look over to see a sleeping Aaron in the hospital bed,

"He's alright?" I ask crying

"More than alright...both of you are, we had a man in a coma before Aaron came in with you, and his family decided to give Aaron his heart since there wasn't a chance to save him...so his heart went to Aarons. both of you Guys had successful surgeries" she smiles checking my iv and blood pressure,

"Get some rest, I will be back to check on both of you later" she smiles

I'm alive.

He's alive.

It was a nightmare.

I take a deep breath in and then out

I put a hand gently over my heart and smile with tears streaming down my face

'My heart beats for you' Aaron said.

"Yes, it does" I whisper looking over at Aaron and remembering all the times he would say that not aware of my heart failure.


"You alright sunshine?" Aaron whispers, his voice hoarse,

I close my eyes for a moment listening to his voice, reminding myself that he's alive,

"Sore...and so so happy you're Alive" I whisper back, on the cusp of tears

He reaches out and gently grabs my hand, his thumb slowly rubbing my fingers and hand in a calming manner,

"You're alive" I repeat to myself at his touch

He smiles slightly "I am sunshine, I am"

"Are you in pain?" I ask quietly

"Not when you look at me like that" he smiles lopsidedly

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