|63| the unkown

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I stand at the graves of the four most important people in my life

My parents,


And Henry...who past away six years ago.

I feel the wind flowing through my hair, I close my eyes Basking in the warmth of the sun and cool breeze around me,

Even after twelve long years, Aaron has never gone away from within my heart, physically and figuratively,

I haven't loved anyone since him, it was too difficult to date, no one compared to him, and no one ever would, so instead, I lived life for him,

I traveled to as many places as I could, documenting it all, I'd try my hardest to have a good time, to make joyful memories as I would try new foods and learn about different cultures,

But I'd always drift to the memories of Aaron and I traveling, and then my solo travels seemed bland in comparison.

I tried smiling, and I attempted to be fully happy, but no matter what I would do, I had this hole that would never be filled since Aaron left,

Nothing would replace the love that Aaron so freely had for me, and showed me.

I spend about an hour more at the cemetery, until I decide to walk to a nearby coffee shop,

On the way there I get so lost in thought that I don't see someone in front of me and I bump into them,

"Gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" I laugh awkwardly as I hold onto the person's arms for stability

"You're good sunshine" the man chuckles,

I freeze, my whole body went numb

That voice...




I look up slowly, almost terrified to see who's in front of me,

When I get the courage to finally look up, I'm met with those piercing blue eyes that I have longed to see for twelve years,

"Aaron..." I choke out, tears immediately filling my eyes at the sight of him,

"Hi, sunshine" he smiles softly as he watches me,

No. Way.

"How?-I don't-" my attempt at speaking is a complete failure when I stumble over my words,

Confusion...utter confusion fills my body, and so many questions are running through my mind.

"I missed you" he breathes out as his smile widens

Tears, they fall freely down my cheeks and I don't attempt to wipe them away because with every tear that falls another is close behind,

"I-I missed you too" I barely choke out over my sob,

I don't even have to think, I just lunge into his arms, finally feeling his warm body and peaceful presence,

The second we touch voices are heard in the background, almost muffled,

"Clear," a loud voice says

Tingles erupt in my chest up and down and up my body,

"Time of death...6:54 pm" another voice sighs after they speak,

"What's happening Aaron?" I whisper in confusion

"You're coming home" He grins as his thumb gently brushes up and down my cheek

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