Ch: 1- a new life.

Start from the beginning

Surprise and excitement shot through me as I've always had trouble reading, it was always really hard for me! Not that I never tried, but I just couldn't make sense of the words as they flew off the pages and mixed together or twisted.

  I was never able to fully read, it was because of that pretty much everyone including  Sakura-Chan called me stupid, but I'm not!!

Iruka-Sensei, Kakashi-Sensei, Granny-Tsunade, gramps, and pervy Sage all said I was smart! And they weren't lying!!!! Which means that I am smart, oh I kinda have this strange ability where I can always tell when someone is lying to me.

Someone will lie to me and I go 'stop lying' they then say 'I'm not' which is another lie and I say 'yes you are my lie brain thing says so!!!!'


I shake my head to bring myself back together, that is another thing I'm naturally really energetic and it's hard to stay fully still, also I get sidetracked very easily!

I sigh as I open the letter.

Dear Naruto,

  If you are reading this then it means you have woken up. You don't know how happy I am that you are alive and well. I know you have questions and more than likely you are freaking out, but please calm down. You are safe I would never hurt you as you mean to much to me. This place is yours, I got it for you to live in you don't have to worry about rent or bills as I have them fully paid. Food and clothes will appear in their respective areas that does include ramen, but don't eat only ramen it isn't good for you. I am your father back then I used the name Minato Namikaze the fourth hokage, but the truth is something else.... I cannot tell you at this moment as it will only put you into danger. There are somethings I would like to tell you through this as I am unable to in person. First, I'm sorry son I truly am, I'm sorry wasn't there I really wanted to be but there is a rule I have to follow which prevents me from being there. If I had it my way you would never leave my side, but sadly that isn't possible. That life in the village was never one I wanted you to have, I told them to treat you as the hero you are, but fear and anger will always over power common sense. You are different in that case as you are able to put those feelings aside for the greater good and for that I am proud. I am sorry for sealing the nine tails within you... you were the only one who could handle the beast's major portion. You see the Kyuubi originally had a different name, it was a beast so powerful and fearsome the gods split it into nine different beings for information find the Greek myths mastery book on the bookshelf in the living room it's the dark blue one and you'll be able to read it.

Secondly, the world as you know it has gotten more dangerous and you don't have others to help you. There are monsters in this world that will do there best to kill you, your weapons as you'll notice are made out of a different material; a material called celestial bronze. Celestial bronze will kill monsters but are completely harmless to mortals which are normal humans. Humans are unable to see the monsters due to a force called the mist, it alters the perception of mortals so when they see something supernatural it becomes something natural that they can understand. This will also hide your abilities from mortals, there are however a few mortals capable of seeing past the mist. Trust your senses and abilities my son, and please be careful. And finally, you probably remember being killed by that Uchiha brat well you did die, you've been dead for three-hundred and eighty-two years.

My breath picks up and goes out of control, I felt tears pill up into my eyes and spill. My head playing memories of my life as it starts becoming light and fuzzy.

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