Ch: 1- a new life.

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Hello everyone!!!!!

Note before we start everything that happened up until the first fight at the valley of the end happened when they were ten instead of twelve. Also Naruto's ADHD comes from my own version of it, so if anyone is offended sorry the best example of ADHD is my own.

/Naruto's POV/

A sound of birds chirping pierced through the air, but that was no lightning... no it was a Jutsu, a Jutsu sent in the intent to kill. The target?

The sound of piercing flesh echoed, I let out a gasp of shock as blood shot out of my mouth.

Shock flowing through me as I looked at the person who did this, my best friend and brother in all but blood, Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke's face showed a neutral expression but his emotions gave him away he was also shocked.

We both looked down to see his left hand coated in lightning going through my heart.

Numbness took over my body as I fell limp the water surrounding me as my darkness took me over.

The last thing I saw was a regretful Uchiha, a single tear dropping on my face as I went under.

Sorry.... Sakura.... Granny Tsunade..... Pervy sage.... Kakashi sensei..... everyone.

I felt this weird feeling, it told me I was..... dead.

I wake up my eyes still closed but my other senses slowly working.

I was... laying? on something soft and warm, the air was warm, a smell of trees and honey was heavy in the air. I could feel the light casting on me.

Slowly I forced my eyes open, instantly shutting them as pain filled my eyes. I blinked the pain and blurriness fading after a few minutes.

The room was well lit, the orange curtains. The room itself was well in size, by no means small but wasn't to large it is about the same size as the classroom back at the academy. A dark wood ran from corner to corner on the top, bottom and up and down. The walls were painted a light tan colors with a giant swirl that is usually on Jonin jackets and my outfit. The floor was the same colored wood that was on the walls except in a plank form. Straight across the room from me was a door made up of the same wood with vine like patterns on it. The right side of the room there was a closet door.

The bed I was in was big, bigger than mine and far comfier, Oh my god! It's so comfy! I wonder how bouncy it is? NO NARUTO!!! Stay focused. The bed I think is a kings? Sasuke has one this size, it has orange sheets and a black and orange squared pattern comforter. There are six? Pillows three orange and three black, there is also one small blue throw pillow. The bed frame was the same colored wood. Next to it was a wooden bed table with a big lantern? It was a black metal circle at the bottom a black rod with bumps and the top was weird with this weird glass thing in the center, it was pulled towards me but pointing slightly down so it wasn't directly at me. The was a black and orange circle carpet that swirled laid out in the center of my room. The left wall had a huge window that was covered by two huge curtains, right in front of it is a strange table with another strange lantern, except it has these notebook things in a pile in the top right corner opposite of the strange lantern, and a cup full of pencils.

I looked around quickly, freaking out. That was until I found a small envelope by the strange lantern on the nightstand.

I picked it up with a shaky hand.


I looked shocked as this was written in a strange language that I've never seen before, yet I was reading it.... I'M READING IT!!!!

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