Chapter One

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Third Person POV

Muzzle flash could be seen from the windows and the sound of a shotgun could be heard within a dilapidated building as rain poured outside. Suddenly a man in a Devil Hunter uniform who was very clearly not from Japan jumped out one of the windows landing on one of the adjacent buildings rolling before reloading his 12 gage.

Y/N: "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"

A large devil burst through the wall intend on ending the human's life as the devil hunter dodged and jammed the barrel of the shotgun into the temple of the beast still recovering from his earlier blast.

Y/N: "Eat buckshot you bastard!"

The first shot cracked open the skull as the next two turned the devil's brain to paste killing it. Y/N put new shells into his gun and let out a long sigh as the rain washed some of his blood off his skin and clothes. Now I know what your wondering, why is a American working for Japan?

Y/N had a pretty normal childhood with loving parents and a younger brother in the middle class suburbs. Y/N willingly gave up a peaceful and quiet life and decided he wanted to be a devil hunter hunter instead of a doctor or lawyer purely because he would rather die spectacularly then live a boring life like every one else.

So here we have a man with no tragic backstory, family that is still alive and loving, as well as never having to want for something his entire life other then excitement. As the veteran Public Safety Devil Hunter Kishibe said "the Devil Hunters that devils fear are the ones with a few screws loose."

Makima recruited Y/N after seeing his impressive record while also helping him learn Japanese. After three and a half years Y/N picked it up decently but it was a long and infuriating endeavor.

His phone rang bringing Y/N back to earth as he answered it.

Y/N: "Hello?"

Makima: "Is the building clear?"

Y/N: "yep, there where a lot more of them then reported."

Makima: "how did the new hire fare?"

Y/N: "died on the first floor, gonna need a mop and a strong stomach for what's left."

Makima: "A shame but not surprising, I'll send my people over to clean up. I must ask why do you insist on speaking to me in English?"

Y/N: "Because while I'm thankful you helped me get settled here it's nice to speak my native tongue instead of sounding like a third grader."

Makima: "Your Japanese is just fine, perhaps you'd like another one on one lesson?"

Y/N shivered at the thought. While Makima seems lovely, that woman set off every danger instinct he had and not in the way he likes. Y/N couldn't put his finger on it but there was something she is hiding from the world.

Y/N: "I'll consider it. Right now I just need some shut eye. I'll give you my report when I swing by the office."

Makima: "Very well then, I expect you at my office Thursday where we will discuss a special assignment."

With that she hung up leaving Y/N to climb down the fire escape onto the streets below.

Y/N: "I'm going to need a warm shower after this"

The Devil Hunter grumbled as he walked to his apartment, shotgun slung over his shoulder. Many people gave Y/N a glance due to him carrying a gun and towering over most people. He was tall even for being an American with the mass to back it up, something that gave him an advantage on the high school wrestling team.

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