26. The Plaza of Glory Pt. 1

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A.N: Enjoy.

Chare stared at the tense atmosphere around him.

"You're leaving?!" The Count stared.

Cale gave a dark look.

"That's the only thing you've got out of what I just said?"

"Yes! You've been here for less then a month and a half and you're planning on leaving?!"

Cale shrugged.

"Count Deruth I don' think you realize I'm no longer belonging in this society."

At that the Count faltered.

"I'm fixing the upcoming war, training both Basean and Lily then I'm gone."

"Why?" Asked the Count voice barely above a whisper.

"Simple, I'm not abandoning the people who raised me for a decade, is it not enough I came back to place that was destined by the Gods predictions to perish?"

Cale's eyes were cold, but obviously filled with concern.

He didn't expect them to act like this.

He's been gone for so long already, they grew up just fine so why were they acting like this?

Did he miscalculate?

No logically speaking they should be plenty of happy.

Cale sighed.

'It is just as those idiots always said...'

Cale gave the Count a puzzled look.

'You can never truly predict what a human's actions will be like.'

"You've heard my plans already, I'll be making my way to the 'Plaza Terror Accident' as my hyung has dubbed it."

Cale got up from his chair and left the Counts office.

"Chare, I trust you have prepared my disguise?"

Chare nodded his head.

"Great, time to destroy Arm's plans one by one."

Cale's grin grew wider.

Chare could only pity the red-head's enemies.


Cale got of the carriage his clothing pure veils of white.

He looked like a combination between a priest and a bride.

His hair now a wonderful color of wisteria so light it resembled white.

His eyes gold and his face colored in silver makeup.

Almost instantly he walked into the place of invitation.

'I swear if the Sun Goddess doesn't keep her end of the bargain  I'm burning down her Main Temple.'

He walked toward the ceremony banquet.

He looked at the confusion on people's faces.

'Who was this man and why did he come out of the Henituse Family carriage?'

"I apologize I am Wister, a Priest in charge of taking care of Cale Henituse. The Count doesn't wish for him to go missing again much less injured so I'm charge of him."

As if in cue a man with red hair stepped out.

His hair long and tied in a gold ribbon, matching his round gold-rimmed glasses.

His outfit consisted of white, silver and gold.

It seemed the Count went all out for his son.

The man grabbed hold of Wister's hand.

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