4. The rumors.

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Author: *Visable shock* Um, enjoy...? Thanks for the votes! Enjoy! Warning random 4th Wall breaks. Sorry if my chapters aren't really that long.

All of Henituse Territory was in a flurry, news of the first son of the count spread like wildfire.

Many rumors spread were complete nonsense, but you had to admit that it was an amazing sight.

Hundreds had stayed waiting in the plaza a week later waiting to see if the rumors were true.

If the infamous missing Henituse had arrived.

Dozens of mutterings were heard and much commotion occurred, until finally, the Count stepped in.

The Count was wearing a simple grey suit with dozens of minuscule golden and black details stitched making the simple outfit pop-out in a crowd.

Only a noble would be able to afford such a gorgeous custom-made outfit.

The ordinary looking man smiled his eyes filled with a look of happiness and relief, the citizens instantly grew more excited. 

It had been a decade since they seen the Count smile so happily.

(Redemption arc...?)

The Count instantly went toward the front smiling brightly to the crowd in the wooden podemium.

"Ahem! Ladies and Gentlemen! We are gathered here today for an amazing revelation as I'm sure you may know..."

He then proceeded to give half-hearted glare toward his gossip-loving servants, before continuing with his speech.

He really needed a stricter gossiping policy, because this was ridiculous.

He hadn't even planned on revealing his son to the public until he'd gotten the full story behind each and every scar in his body.

"My son Cale has been found!" The Count announced.

 But if anyone looked closely they'd noticed how he seemed to gain a guilty face when saying 'son'.

Cheers and excited whispers were then heard, the crowd too happy to notice the obvious guilt in the Count's face.

"Without further ado I now introduce to you Cale!" The Count then moved out the way making space for the man of the hour.

As soon as the oldest of the Count's children came into view.

Almost instantly the crowd stared at the being in front of them.

The couldn't help put stare at the gorgeous specimen infront of them.

The man looked round the age of eighteen... and boy had the crowd become speechless.

A gorgeous fit figure, pale, snow-white skin, plump pink lips, soft sharp hazel eyes, and long crimson red hair...

He was wearing a simple outfit (by noble standards that seemed to suit him perfectly.)

(Outfit above!)

Yes, the man was a sight to behold.

His long red hair was tied into a simple ponytail, and his face currently had a bright smile pulling the whole image to a seductive level that most people didn't believe possible.

(Roan: Is human scamming someone...?")

"Well, I must admit it's has been a while hasn't it...? It's a pleasure to meet each and everyone of you!" His grin turning slightly predatory.

The crowd couldn't help but find the was he spoke strange... he said everything right but the was his spoke was sort of thick and slightly slow.

Which made the man much more charming.

Yup, Cale was going to wrap all of Henituse Territory around his finger and all it took was only a couple of seconds and a warm smile.

"I am so sorry for may strange manor of speaking... but alas it has been quite a while since I have spoken the lovely language of this kingdom." Cale smiled once more but this time it was awkwardly sheepish.

The crowd instantly reassured the young adult that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his (Korean) accent.

"I must admit it's kind of nerve-wracking... I don't know what to say... except that I missed this place! And can't wait to catch up with the ups and downs this of the people in this beautiful place! Without further ado I am going." The young man gave another dorky smile.

The 'adorkable' smile had practically killed a good chunk of the 'simp' population.

While the crowd got their shit together, Cale was mentally cringing at the fact that he had just acted so Y/N like.

He then proceeded to attend the paparazzi answering questions from numerous men and women. 

Some noble some were commoners, honestly Cale didn't care for status he just didn't like stupid questions like:

"How old are you?" Good o know most couldn't do basic math he was sure timed passed the same between these two universes.

"Why are you wearing glasses?" Cause of I'm blind, next question.

"What is a little red-headed punk like you doing in a lad built for adults?" 


Okay maybe that one was just him reaching, but some of the questions did feel dumb and unnecessarily invasive. 

The good news was he had been missing for a decade, people didn't judge him at all for the 'mistake' whatsoever. (Talking to commoners.)

Overall, Cale had considered his mission a success he had made a good impression on the territory... now the fun and games truly had a chance to begin.

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