12. The Strange Human

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A.N: This chapter is Roan's POV Please enjoy.

Sunshine shined lightly inside a small black dragon's eyes.

'Wait sunshine?!'

The small dragon's eyes opened wide as he looked around the place he found himself in.

The room was spacious beautifully built every where he looked precious items where lined neatly.

The child blinked as he stretched his small limbs tested his wings seeing if they actually functioned.

They did, and to make it better there was nothing holding him down.

No collar.

No chains.

No cage.

Just a soft warm bed.

The dragon instantly felt suspicious...

He slowly analyzed anything.

Nothing, no one was there.

The dragon slowly made his was to the slightly open door hearing hushed voices behind it.

"Young Master Cale, please for the love of God stop being so misleading? Oh, and confusing, too!" The polite tone quickly changed to what sounded like a exasperated teen.

The dragon frowned at the humans voice his strong dislike for humans still at large.

"How am I misleading?" An annoyed posh voice.

The dragon blinked.

That aura was familiar... that was the human who released him!

The dragon frowned, he didn't trust him... but there was no way he a great and mighty dragon will ever EVER by indebted to a human.

"Oh, maybe you deciding to play "Executioner" with a baby dragon?!"

"I have faith in my abilities plus a little longer in that collar and he'd probably be insane. Tell me what do you prefer a healthy baby dragon with grudge against humans? Or a mentally unstable and revenge-fillled one with hatred toward humans...?"



The dragon suddenly understood the human... he wasn't bad, but he was logical.

He seemed to calm down.

Yeah, that made sense.

"I see... so what are you going to do now? Tame it?"

Disgust took place in the dragon's heart as he heard the teen's words. And yet... he found himself wondering the other human's answer.


That was his answer.

After the human finished his crazed laughing fit he was gasping for breath.

"Hahaha- man I haven't have laugh like that in a while... Thanks Choi Han- pfft! Tame a dragon-" The person treated it as a joke.

The child dragon couldn't help but feel insulted by the man's lack of manner.

But he continued to listen.

"That wasn't a joke young master." The teen deadpanned.


"So what? Even the idea of Taming a Dragon, in itself, is just pure blasphemy. A dragon, even a baby, will never submit itself to a human... and rightly so... imagine what a human would do with that kind of power on their side? Certainly not something nice..." The man's voice now sounded calm, wise and knowledgeable.

'There it is again... this human seems to have more common sense than the rest of its brethern.'

The dragon felt a touch of pride in the person that had rescued him.

But a grim thought passed his mind...

If he wasn't being tamed what was he here for? Was the human a lier like his brethern afterall...?

Rage exploded into his small body...

"So we're not getting a younger brother...?" A soft voice spoke.

"I don't know brother." Another voice sighed.

"Look sorry to burst you're bubble but he hates humans, I am no exception. As soon as he awakens he'll leave."

"And how do you know that...?"


'Yeah how do you know?! I'll prove you wrong human!'

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