1. Thanks, I guess...

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A.N : A new story! Boy am in over my head.

A small child sighed as he stared at the beautiful scenery in front his eyes. The green grass that swayed with the wind the blue sky practically glowed.

The old birch and sycamore trees reaching higher then he could see.

All this landscape forcefully trimmed and sculped to match the aesthetically pleasing visage of the times.

To think those trees the shortest,  according to his teacher most of the trees in the area had been cut down.

It was quite a gorgeous sight, like something out of a romantic play... which was quite ironic in Cale's opinion.


Simple this was a cemetery.

The one where the late Countess, Cale's mother, was buried to be specific.

Yes the late Countess was a beautiful women by the name of Juer, and  Cale was proud of having inherited her fiery features.

 Such as her gorgeous blood red hair that grew as smooth as butter.

His pale and naturally lithe figure. His sharp eyes that could see through people's souls.

But he had to admit lately looking at the mirror brought great pain to his heart.

Kid you do know she is never coming back... right?

"Yes, you idiotic God I am well aware of this fact." The boy coldly spoke his tone quite sharp.


The God of Death grew silent, staring at the boy he had been watching for a couple of months.

He was an interesting one.

So smart and clever... and yet so distant and distraught at such a young age.

It was a true pity.

The useless Count didn't help either.

Apparently he was in to much pain about losing his wife that he didn't notice he was also losing his son.


"Yes?" The child answered.

You're planning on running away.

"Yes, I am not stupid. I am well aware of my father's new relationship. No matter how much he hid it I can read him like and open book." The boy Scoffed.

I see then.

"I would only be a bother to the Count's new family. There is no use of me staying here." He stated his gaze cold.

... If that's the case kid... I know just the place.

The boy furrowed his brows wondering where the God of Death would tell him to go.

No need to worry the trip will be easy.

A pit erupted in the child's stomach... it felt like he was being stepped on by a horse!

The child squeezed his eyes shut slowing losing his consciousness.

Before a dark shadow swallowed him up, leaving behind an unnatural chill.

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