But with encouragement from me, I pushed him to knock them off their feet and to do us all proud regardless if he got the role or not.

I didn't actually know what the role was about or the film for that matter (and neither did Harry) but I wasn't going to lie and pretend that I hadn't thought about a chick flick.

I mean, I was a girl, a 22 year old woman now and I loved my chick flicks as much as the next one.

I enjoyed my lovesick puppy films with the dashing prince charming with the beautiful eyes, smile and a heart as big as the sun since I could remember, and it plagued me that this could be the road of direction that Harry was being taken on by Jeff.

Don't get me wrong, I knew he could do it if it was- it was just that I wasn't sure if I could actually cope with the fact (and watching) that my fiancé, the love of my life, could kiss another girl on screen, say such beautiful things to her from his very beautiful mouth, touch her like he touches me... and actually make love to her.

I knew that it was fake, deep down I did know that, and I told myself to not be so silly and that Harry would treat this as a professional job (not to mention that he would be coming home to me) but I also believed and knew in my heart that Harry would smash anything he put his mind and heart to- and that's what concerned me the most.

He was young, dashing, charming, easy on the eye and had an accent that made most women drop their knickers in a flash.

He was that handsome, English gentleman that made women (especially women from different countries- they love an Englishman don't they?) weak at the knees, and I just knew that if Harry starred in some sort of rom-com, it would make him and turn him into a lucrative star in the movie business.

But I knew Harry better than that, because I knew deep down that he wouldn't want to be seen as 'that guy' who did 'this film'.

He had dreams, ambitions and talent, and as much as One Direction made his name, he was determined to make it on his own and carve a career during their hiatus- however long that was going to be.

It still somewhat haunted me though, knowing that one day (maybe not now) that Harry would eventually have to do a romantic movie, if that's what he wanted and if he was successful enough to do so.

But I worried myself to the point of insanity, thinking that his future co-star would have a free pass to kiss, grope, touch and basically pretend to fuck Harry in a film that would be seen by millions worldwide.

I wasn't exactly stupid, I'd heard numerous times over the years that Hollywood actors and actresses used their jobs as a way of escaping their relationships without any of the consequences that followed (Kristen Steward cheating on Robert Pattinson with her director, anyone?).

I also knew that many on-screen relationships and romances sometimes didn't end on screen either.

Deep down, I wasn't worried that Harry would cheat on me, Anne had told me from the start that it wasn't in his DNA that he would, and I knew in my heart of hearts that cheating just wasn't in his Harry's vocabulary.

But, I had in fact cheated with him- and maybe this was something that was sent to test me... to see how I would cope with it.

It didn't stop the haunting questions though.

I got sucked into questions such as, what if his co-star liked kissing him?

What if she liked having him on top of her?

What if she liked them pretending to make love?

What if she had thoughts that the Harry Styles was above her and currently wanted him to fuck her?

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