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"Did you manage to sort everything out with Phoebe yesterday?" Harry asked, his question catching me off guard as I stared out the window of the quiet restaurant we were waiting in.

We had arrived less than ten minutes ago, and after being shown to our seats by the waiter, Harry received a text from Jeff saying he was going to be a few minutes late.


"Iz?" Harry called out to me, and I gazed at him, showing that I was listening and wasn't ignoring him.

"Yeah, I did." I answered, "She texted and wanted to meet up, but I couldn't, so we spoke on the phone instead. We cleared up the air and she apologised, and I think we're okay now."

"Good," Harry replied, offering me a lazy, sweet smile; "I'm really glad you both sorted it out, even if she did behave a little... weirdly."

"Your mum was right, I guess."

"My mum?" Harry said, "Since when was my mum involved?"

"I kinda told her about it when we went dress shopping the other day," I explained casually, "She sort of made me see things a little differently, and I guess I kinda understood where Phoebe was coming from."

"Okay..." Harry said, "Care to explain, or?"

"Just hormones, really. Nothing else to it."

"Mum's blaming her overreaction on hormones?"

"Well, think about it. What Phoebe said was kinda right... we sort of abandoned her, Liam and Callum while we were grieving, which is fine, that's what we wanted, but in the midst of all that she thought we were jealous and couldn't handle it... obviously not knowing about Oscar and thinking in the mind-set that the reason we weren't going over to see them was because we couldn't have children. Now she knows differently, and that's okay."

Harry nodded, taking his gaze back to the menu.

"So everything is cool between the two of you then?" he asked, to which I confirmed again that it was with a nod; "Good. I'm really glad, babe."

"So much so, I said we'd go out with them, organise everybody to come along too when we come back from Manchester after your dad's wedding to officially wet the baby's head. I think we owe it to them, after everything. Of course it'll be separate nights, you'll go one night with the lads and Liam, while myself and the girls go another night with Phoebs."

"Sounds good." Harry said, "But after LA though, obviously. Not the wedding, Iz."

I bit my lip, trying to hide the fact that I had forgotten about Harry's plan and already pre-booked trip to LA after Des and Jo's wedding.

"You forgot, didn't you?" he grinned at me, "How could you?" he feigned heartbreak, "My absolute heart and soul went into planning this trip just for you, Izzy."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't be so melodramatic... and I may have forgotten, yes, but that's okay... you reminded me. I'll just text her later and say I was mistaken, that I meant after we came back from LA."

"You still want to go, right?" He asked me warily.

I raised my eyebrow at him, "Sun, sea, sand... and-"

"You better not say what I think you're going to say, Izzy." He interrupted me, to which I simply smirked.

"-and the sexiest Englishman on my arm." I grinned at him, earning myself a dimple filled smirk from Harry.


"Not quite what I had thought, but close enough." he laughed, "Are you excited? To go to LA I mean?"

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