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I gazed at the bouquet of beautiful red roses on the dressing table before me, grinning to myself as my eyes quickly rescanned the handwritten card that was in my hands; while Lou Teasdale began styling my hair ready for tonight.

I was currently sat at the SSE Arena aka Wembley Arena (why they changed it to the SSE I have no idea, Wembley Arena was sufficient enough wasn't it?) and I was hanging out getting ready backstage in the dressing rooms.

It was an important day for Harry and the boys, as today marked the last time they would perform as a foursome on The X Factor final- until they decided to come back, of course.

Thankfully, Harry had managed to sort things out with Louis and rectified the situation that he has caused by calling Lou a shit father.

Luckily for Harry, Louis never held grudges (as far as I could see anyway) and the two made up and continued on with their work.

That wasn't to say that Louis still didn't try and push his luck though, because he still tried to weave his way in and convince Harry to put the hiatus off until February- Harry of course, was having none of that.

Can't blame a guy for trying, I suppose.

But still, today was an important day and a time to celebrate everything that they had all achieved together in the last five years- and even though the future seemed uncertain right now, it definitely seemed a hell of a lot brighter and I was incredibly excited to see what Harry, Louis, Niall and Liam had in store during their break from the band.

I smiled to myself, remembering my own words on my Instagram post- 'don't be sad because it's over (for now), smile because it happened...' and right now, you couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

I felt touched and honoured that Harry wanted me here for this, and while it was also our first public appearance together while he was at work, I seriously wanted to make an impression.

Everyone who knew Harry from when he was sixteen was going to be here, his family was going to be present, I'd be meeting his boss Simon, not to mention that Rita Ora and Cheryl bloody whatserface was going to be here (strange, how the first time I saw her was at the Gala dinner when I first met Harry and now she was going to be present with me being his girlfriend. Funny how life works out, eh?) and of course, there was the general public.

So little old me, I felt, had a lot to prove- which is why I jumped at the chance to have Lou and Lottie help me.

I wanted to make it all count.

Lou offered to style my hair and Lottie (that was Louis' sister) offered to do my make-up for me out of sheer boredom before the big final kicked off.

The boys were normally in make-up and hair for about an hour each according to Lou, so we had plenty of time yet and honestly, what sort of girl would say no to a free makeover?

I bloody wasn't, and besides, it would save me a hell of a job and loads of time trying to get ready by myself anyway.

We had a lot to celebrate, really.

After weeks of preparation and build up, we were all at the final hurdle of the band's last ever performance.

After a solid month of promoting the album, we were all somewhat relieved, excited, and mostly a little sad too, that the boys had reached their final destination- and it seemed pretty fitting to end their five year streak right back to where they started in 2010.

Not to mention that the boys were currently sitting pretty at the number one spot at the UK Album charts and at number two in the US Billboard charts with Made In The AM (fuck you Justin Bieber).

Here We Stand [H.S]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن