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I was vaguely aware of being kissed softly, hands stroking my hip and lower back, my body swaying gently back and forth to rouse me awake from my sleeping slumber.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty." came the familiar rasping voice that was full of sleep and alcohol induced tones that made him sound hoarse.

And sexy as hell.

I groaned, sliding my legs down the bed, getting myself out of the foetal position I had been sleeping in as I felt Harry's mouth press light kisses over my back and shoulder.

"Don't wanna."

I sounded like a child, and I barely heard Harry chuckle behind me as I refused to open up my eyelids to what couldn't be possibly morning already.

It seemed my eyes had only been shut for five minutes, the least.

"You have too." Harry laughed, his lips still caressing my shoulder; "We have to see my dad and Jo before we go, plus I have to give them our present. Not to mention mum will kill us if we don't see her before we leave."

I ignored him, my body sinking back into it's original sleep like state.

Or euphoria, I couldn't quite tell.

"I'll order us some breakfast on the menu, or saying that, we should have brunch really seeing as half of the day has gone with you." He chuckled, his hands now tickling my sides which made me squirm; "C'mon babe, we've got lots to do and we have to see everyone before we head to the airport for our flight. You can sleep in the car and on the plane."

I groaned (and growled) sleepily, pulling the soft sheet over my body to conceal myself away from Harry.

"Who's fuckin' bright idea was it to go to LA after last night?!" I whined, hearing him chuckle behind me; "I'm bruised and aching, tired and sleepy... leave me alone if you know what's good for you Styles."

"Izzy come on, babe." Harry sighed, "If we don't fly on schedule, it means we'll lose a day out there. You have to get up now, we don't have much time left together before the Christmas work load starts."

I huffed, still whining and complaining like a two year old.

"Jump in the shower, that'll wake you up." he murmured, "Get up, have a shower to wake yourself up properly and then come meet me downstairs in the Great Hall. Okay?"

I nodded.

There was no way in hell was I moving.

I was staying here, and that was final.

"Izzy, now."

"God, why are you so bloody bossy?!" I shouted angrily, to which Harry grinned at me, gently pulling at the sheet to strip me from it; "Harry, don't. It's cold!"

"Get in the shower then, that'll warm you up Izzy."

"You are soooo..... fucking annoying!" I snapped, "I'm up! Happy now? I'm up, I'm up, I'm up, I AM UP."

"Good." Harry grinned at me, throwing the sheet to the floor messily, his eyes roaming my naked body; "Shower. It'll make you feel better and wake you up a bit."

"Are you coming?"

"No, I've had one already."

"Already?!" I repeated, my eyes now fully focusing and searching the room quietly.

I noticed that the room was now absolutely spotless.

Everything that we had used last night had been cleared away, and our clothes from the wedding had been washed and dry cleaned; Harry's suit and my dress now hanging from the wardrobes in their protective covers.

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