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"Having a woman suck you off is the most fantastic, amazing and incredible experience a man can have in his life time, I'm telling you."

I paused, frowning as I stopped outside the living room door, my freezing cold water bottle held tightly against my belly.

I had been in bed with Phoebe, Molly, Dani and Sam for most of the evening, catching up, eating junk, drinking sugary drinks, devouring chocolate and cuddling as girls do, as we gorged ourselves on romantic movies that made us want to claw our eyeballs out and sob our hearts out at the same time.

Don't you just love periods?

Harry and I had returned to Gran's late to an eruption of applause and claps, both the guys and the girls teasing us as they knew deep down what we had been up too.

I figured that it was our sex hair and that freshly just fucked look that gave us both away.

Needless to say, we didn't deny it but we didn't confirm it either, we just laughed with them and told them all to fuck off when it was starting to get annoying- which brought me back to tonight, here and now, when I overheard that lovely sentence coming from Louis' mouth.

My period had well and truly tore through me with a vengeance after our shenanigans at the hotel, which destroyed the chance of me going out with everyone like Harry had told me earlier.

I didn't feel comfortable, I felt bloated and disgusting, and I was bleeding something chronic... not to mention that it was the first period I was having since last year, so my body and my vagina didn't know what had hit it.


I had gone to hell and back today, no word of a lie.

I didn't want to ruin Harry's night though, so I encouraged him to go and have fun with the boys, and maybe even gel a bit with Ryan.

I reassured him that I'd be fine with the girls seeing as they offered to stay with me instead of going out.

Yet, like I knew he would, Harry flat out refused and said he was going nowhere (and even protested that he didn't care if the girls and I were going to watch The Notebook- he said he'd watch it with us -can he get any cuter, seriously?) but his arm was soon twisted as soon as Louis heard and threw the man card at him, reminding him of his apparent lack of masculinity.

Obviously, there was no such thing.

Before I knew it, Harry was showered, dressed and smelling like something that walked straight out of a Gucci magazine; and I was kissing him goodbye (Harry that is, not Louis) on the doorstep and wishing him a good night... and now that good night had turned into a 'let's-go-back-and-get-drunk-at-Izzy-and-Ryan's-gran's-place-and-get-even-more-fucked-up-than-we-already-are.'

I rolled my eyes excessively, annoyed that a group of guys were now drunk as fuck in the house, were talking about blow jobs of all the things to talk about and were helping themselves to even more alcohol in the fridge.

My patience was wearing thin and it didn't need to be taken on a test drive anymore than it already had.

"Women who worship cock are special and they're very hard to find," came Niall's voice; "Sam's an absolute expert at blowing me, fuck."

"Well you would say that, she's your girlfriend- I bet I would say the same about Phoebs, Harry with Izzy and Lou with Danni-"

"Leave me out of this, please." came Harry's drunken rasp, "Not talkin' to you 'bout anythin'."

"Yeah, I don't really fancy listening or talking about my sister sucking his cock. Thanks, but no thanks." Ryan muttered, just as Louis and Niall began hackling like a pair of hyenas.

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