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Tucking my bags under the table, I pulled out my chair and took my seat slowly, brushing my short dark hair backwards.

The morning had gone pretty well so far, and after coming to terms with what had happened last night, Anne quickly offered a shopping trip that had my name written all over it.

I wasn't used to doing things like a mother and daughter would, I mean my Gran tried her best while I was growing up but it was never the same.

So I figured that starting with Anne was a good way to go and start with because she was probably the closest thing to a mother I was going to have and ever get.

Leaving Harry alone in the house (I'm sure he said he had work to do anyway) we first hit the shops and spent a couple of hours getting lost in the high street of London with money literally burning holes in our pockets.

Then, I got my hair done (which was Anne's treat) and even though I heavily fought her on this, she was having none of it and beamed happily when I eventually gave in and had my split ends chopped off.

I went a little choppier too, having more of a bobbed style added to it.

It was strange because even though I had adored and worshipped my long hair when I had it, I was completely digging the shortness of it now and actually, I believe it made me look more of my age... more womanly, if that was possible.

I made a quick mental note to never let my hair grow longer ever again.

Next, I then watched with curiosity as Anne got her nails done afterwards in the salon next door.

I was never really a girlie girl, I mean I liked make-up and I liked doing my hair (more so when it was longer before the cancer took it away) but I wasn't one for constantly getting my hair, nails or anything else done like most women did- whereas Anne seemed to live and breathe this sort of stuff.

She was the epitome of a real girly woman and I was willing to learn and do this if it meant that we were bonding.

I knew no difference really as I had never experienced this sort of thing while growing up with Gran and it wasn't as if I wasn't enjoying my day with Anne so far, because I was immensely.

In fact, I had loved it.

It was nice to just have her to myself for once, even if I knew our conversation was going to turn to Harry at some point today.

"So," she smiled at me, settled at the little corner table we were currently sat at together; "You and Harry seemed to have made up after last week. Everything all good now?" She smiled at me, grasping at the menu that was perched in the middle of the table between us.

I sighed and smiled awkwardly, still feeling nervous and anxious about her catching us having sex last night, not to mention the conversation the three of us shared this morning, even though I eventually found it funny.

"I'm sorry." Anne smiled gently, "I don't mean to intrude, sweetheart."

"No, it's okay, it's not that... you can ask, I guess. I mean, he's your son so... you're bound to be worried."

She smiled at me gratefully.

"I worry about the two of you, not just him." she said slowly, "It's just... the other week was pretty... insane, and you've probably guessed that we overheard what had happened upstairs between the two of you."

"I think the entire street did, in all fairness."

"Luckily for you, the only neighbours you have is the pub next door, hmm?" She laughed, to which I eventually relaxed and exhaled; "I guess I just want you to know that Harry is a little hot-headed at the best of times, and he always thinks he's doing the right thing when he sometimes isn't. His heart is always in the right place though, he loves you, completely."

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