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I sighed hard, watching Liam pace the room while Phoebe was being comforted by her mother.

I was sat on the other side of the waiting room, leaning against the chair watching the clock ticking loudly in the room as Harry sat beside me, his thigh twitching nervously.

His face was unreadable, his eyes were impassive and completely impossible to work out what they were focusing on, when he suddenly turned and focused on me, his fingers gently brushing and linking around mine.

A simple, generic touch that made me feel all the more better knowing that he was just there.

We were all nervous, anxious and frightened with what was going on in the next room, and the fact none of us had no control over what was happening made us feel even worse.

Liam on the other hand, even though he was pacing back and forth, had a great poker face and was showing no signs of emotion what so ever.

Closing my eyes, I leaned my head back and pressed it firmly against the wall, wanting to knock out the thoughts that were currently sitting there and plaguing me throughout this fucking nightmare.

Just save him.

They can't take anymore pain.

Please keep fighting, Cal.

At the same time, Harry and I literally exhaled in unison before sharing a knowing look with one another, whilst also clearly sharing a tormented mind frame with everyone else in the room.

I had done my fair share of thinking of the absolute worst in the last twenty minutes in this bloody waiting room, and now I was growing impatient and couldn't wait for the constant swishing in my stomach to stop.

Sometimes, when you meet someone, I guess it's so clear that the two of you, on some level or another, belong together.

Whether that was as lovers or as friends, as a family, or as something completely different... you just work; whether you understand one another or you're in love, or you're partners in crime, you work.

But in mine and Harry's case, we were literally all of above.

I had lost everything and gained it all in one person, because in Harry, I had found my protector, my best friend, my family, my partner in crime and my lover; and even though we had met on the most strangest of circumstances, out of nowhere he arrived and made me feel more alive than the last 21 years combined.

I didn't know if that made me believe in coincidences, or fate, or sheer blind luck after all the bad I had gone through, but it definitely made me believe in something- and I wasn't giving up on us without a fight.

As we sat, our hands entwined and under the watchful gaze of Phoebe (I hadn't really filled her in yet on what had happened between us) I thought back to when Harry had taken me to Holmes Chapel; and I remembered what his mother had told me in the kitchen after that whole nightmare scenario with Gemma.

"He really, really loves you. And I know things haven't been easy for you as of late, but just know, you will always have a place to stay here. You'll always be welcome here. I believe, deeply, that you and Harry will go the distance... and I couldn't be more happier and prouder of his choice. Just be happy, okay? Make each other happy. Always make time for one another and never let anyone cause trouble between the two of you... live, laugh, love. All I want, as a mother, is for my baby to be happy... and you make him happy, Izzy."

"What are you thinking about in that head of yours?" Harry murmured, interrupting the thought train I had in my mind.

"Something that your mother said to me a while ago." I said quietly, to which Harry looked at me with surprise.

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