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"I've had a couple of tweets this morning," Harry announced suddenly, his eyes moving from his phone and towards my direction; "Did you post something? They're tweeting in their thousands... you're... even trending on Twitter."

We were currently on our third day at the lodge, and right now we were laid up on the couch together, the TV on in the background with a blanket cocooning us from the cold- well, I say cold, we were naked and didn't really want to get dressed.

It was one of those glorious, naked moments with my boyfriend that I just wanted to cherish and remember for the rest of my life.

This was us, this was Harry and I, when there was no work, no college or assignments, no One Direction... and no heartache and pain, just us and the world outside locked away.

We had everything we needed and wanted right here, and it was lovely to cuddle up and feel Harry's skin upon mine, but not in a sexual way.

It was nice, comforting even.

I nodded in reply to his question, noticing the strands of his hair that was peaking out from his tight bun.

He looked so good, looking relaxed from our three day getaway that we absolutely cherished... because for the last three days, we literally didn't leave the area that the lodge house was in.

Others may have deemed it unhealthy, but it was just what we needed after everything that had happened this week.

We had each other's company, in a completely natural habitat, waking up to sunrise being wrapped up in each other's arms.

We made love whenever we wanted too (day or night), had breakfast, dinner and tea together and in between taking walks in the woodland, I was able to share a part of one of the most beautiful parts in Wales with my better half.

It was everything and more that I needed after Gran's sudden untimely death.

The first day, after we had showered together the night before, I made sure to call Ryan and to break the news to him.

Needless to say, Harry did offer to do it for me, but I think talking about it helped me deal with it in some way... and it was so good to hear Ryan's voice for the first time ever.

We had messaged on messenger first, after I explained I had some bad news that I didn't want to tell him over instant messenger.

Surprisingly, he handed over his number at a drop of a hat and after a small panic attack and words of wisdom from Harry telling me that I could do this, I called my brother for the first time... and it was incredibly emotional for the two of us.

Once the ball had begun to roll, Harry left me to it with Ryan.

I think he felt that he was intruding a little bit, but that couldn't have been any further from the truth.

Harry was my family just as much as Ryan was, so I was equally pleased that I could share the aftermath of my conversation with him afterwards- and happily too.

Ryan in fact, was upset at the news of Gran, and even though emotions were running high between us both and we were reunited on the phone, I was still shocked to hear him be so affected by Gran's death when he didn't even know her.

In his own way, he felt immense guilt that he had left it as long as he had to get in touch with me- and in a way, he said if he had done it earlier, he could have had the chance to meet her.

And now he never would.

To my utter astonishment, Ryan even offered to pay towards the funeral arrangements, something which completely threw me because I wasn't expecting him to do anything because of the obvious reasons why- but he brushed them off as nothing, and pretty much said that what's done was done.

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