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I watched happily from the passenger side of the car, as Harry vigorously pumped his clenched fist into his thigh, bumping it in time with the music as Fleetwood Mac blared out of his car stereo, his other hand carefully wrapped around the steering wheel as he continued to drive.

I was lucky that his windows weren't down as he was screaming the lyrics to 'Go Your Own Way' at the top of his lungs, because I've been accustomed to witnessing that a few times while in the car with him.

No, seriously.

I have.

I couldn't help but grin to myself, knowing that he was happy and singing along to the lyrics, like a normal fan, a normal guy in his car even.

It occurred to me there and then, that even though he was world famous and 'Harry Styles from One Direction', he was actually also Harry Styles from Cheshire that irrevocably loved his music... and he was a fan of something, just like the region of people who were fans of him worldwide.

We all had something in common.

Grinning wickedly to myself, I lifted my phone carefully and switched it to video mode, pressing the recording button.

"If I could, baby I'd give you my world... Open up, everything's waiting for youuuu- you can go your own wayyyy-" Harry stopped midway, mouth hanging wide open; "A-a-are you recording me?!"

I completely pissed myself laughing, halting the recording on my phone as I hunched over from laughing, my stomach literally hurting from the spasms.

"I feel violated."

I was still laughing at him, seeing the seriousness on his face, his pout glaring back at me.

"I'm sure there are laws against that, y'know." Harry commented, "I'll check with my solicitor."

"You do that, Harry." I giggled, "I'm pretty sure there are laws against what you just did to me in your car, but you don't see me complaining, honey."

Harry smirked, "You loved it. I can't believe you were filming me, I was proper going for it as well."

"I know!" I laughed again, "Not deleting that one in a hurry. It's absolute gold. Instagram worthy."

Harry glared at me from the corner of his eye.

"I was singing to you as well, and this is how you repay me."

"You were singing to me?"

"Hmm, telling you I'd give you my world- and there you are recording me and laughing at me."

I smirked, knowing he was pulling my leg.

"Harry, you do realise 'Go Your Own Way' is about a break-up, don't you?"

"Of course I bloody do." he scoffed, "I think I should know what one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite bands is about, Izzy."

"Ooooooh, alright. Keep your hair on Styles." I teased, "Still a great video though."

"You're a dickhead."

"You love me."


"Oi." I yelled, punching his shoulder, "Tosser."

He smirked at me, laughing as he flashed his eyes my way, taking a turning on the left that indicated that we were almost there.

It felt weird being back home again, seeing it through the pane of glass in Harry's car instead of picturing it in my mind like I had done recently.

I had missed it so much, but I had never realised how much with regards to being in college, swamped with assignments, then of course Phoebe and Callum, sorting out the hen party and then our beloved Oscar on top.

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