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"Did you sleep okay last night?"

I grumbled, and moaned, and huffed in response to Harry's question.

"Maybe we should stop by at the hospital before heading to Liam and Phoebe's-"

"No. Absolutely not." I said firmly, "I'm just... in pain." I winced, knowing the second the word 'pain' slipped from my mouth, Harry would turn into the overprotective version of the Hulk in 0.2 seconds.


I groaned, "It's fine, don't panic." I whispered, as I rolled on the bed uncomfortably.

"Don't panic? You say you're in pain and you're telling me not to bloody panic?" he muttered, his voice visibly shaking, "What if I've hurt you? What if-"

I placed my hand on his chest, pressing against him firmly.

"It's just my back, that's all. Chill out, Harry." I said slowly, and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Nothing else?" He asked, as I nodded; "You promise?"

"It's just my lower back, I promise. I googled it. It's normal, apparently."

"How can being in pain with your lower back be normal?!"

"Pregnancy isn't normal, obviously. And besides, it's your child." I muttered, "Your spawn of Satan is destroying my back."

"Spawn of Satan?" he remarked, raising his eyebrow at me; "Baby Styles can hear your mind, watch what you're saying. I read it on the app."

I rolled my eyes at him, turning onto my side to ease the pressure off my back a little.

"You and that bloody app of yours."

"Do you want me to do anything?" he asked gently, the touch of his hand pressing against my back, his thumb pushing into the ball of coccyx; "Want me to-"

"DON'T!" I yelled at him, pushing him back off me; "DON'T FUCKING DO THAT!"

"What?" Harry panicked, the fear of God riding through him, "What did I do? You liked it the other day?!" he exhaled, frowning deeply at me in confusion.

"That was the other day, I don't like it today!" I seethed at him, "Don't touch me, there. Ever. Not until I ask you too!"

"Jesus, alright. Calm down Satan number one."

"What did you say?!" I swiped, watching him become a mumbling mess before me.

"I said, calm down my number one."

"Fucking liar." I blurted, my lip wobbling; "You called me Satan."

"Izzy, please don't-" he sighed, "I didn't mean to-"

I wailed, literally.

"- make you cry." he finished, sighing; "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I was just trying to help and it slipped out and-"

"I know you were." I blubbed, feeling the tears literally pour down my face; "I'm such a horrible person for putting you through this. I'm so sorry for pushing you like that- what the fuck's wrong with me?!"

Fucking Niagara Falls would be out of pocket by the time I'm done, seriously.

I felt awful for shouting at him, truly awful and I hated that I had no control over my emotions anymore.

"Absolutely nothing, babe."

The bed moved slowly, just as Harry carefully stepped closer towards me.

He looked at me carefully, checking that it was okay to be near me, when he suddenly pulled me up gently and gripped me tightly, his hands literally rubbing and soothing my back as he kissed my temple softly and reassuringly.

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