i start driving to dunkin to get my coffee im not sure if he wants one because he barely woke up but we'll see

getting to dunkin i ask javon if he wants the same thing he got last time or something else.

he says he really liked the thing from last time so i get 2 large ones, one for me and one for him

wanna pulled out his card but i just ignored it. acted like i didn't see it i grabbed my card and payed for it.

getting out the drive threw, we head to school.

i really don't wanna go.


what kinda kids like going to school?

be honest.

i mean unless bad things are going on at home then i get that, maybe you wouldn't wanna be home.

but if you just like going to school.

that's a red flag. i'm sorry i had to say it.

i don't hate school, it's not that bad.

like i'll get threw the day, but i don't look forward to it.

i feel like people only look forward to it if they have a crush or a boyfriend you can only see at school or something.

which is kinda weird cause we are almost adults and you still have to hide your boyfriend,

but hey i don't judge, i don't even gotta boyfriend.

plus my mom probably doesn't even love me, i just kidding i'm sure she loves me right?

i mean she never said it but i'm sure in her mind she does,

i'm sure


anyways, i don't remember the last time i spoke to my mom, was it like monday?

today's friday

i think i'll talk to her soon maybe just make conversation.

me and wanna are heading to my car, we're gonna get some Mcdonald's

i told him to invite his brother and at first he didn't want to but then i just texted jaden myself and told him to meet me at my car.

we all get into the car and jaden asked we're we going.


i forgot to tell him we're gonna go get food.

"mcdonald's to get food."

"okay, well ima go live so put my phone up there"

"wanna grab the phone"

he grabs it and goes live, he puts it on the dashboard thingy.

i don't know what it's called.
@jayla.jaden.javon:why is she always with them!
@.kaybrown:your so beautiful
@isabellafp: I LOVE YOU ISABELLA❤️
@jaylaaw: is this the girl wanna spent the night with jaden?
@waltonfam: OMG jaylas comment?!!!

"first of all they're always with me." i said

that person tryna make me sound like a follower, when they always follow me.

"aww thank you kay." i said

"kaylens here, wassup kaylen." jaden said

"you guys know her?" i said

"yeah" javon said

"like in real life?" i said

"yeah." javon laughs

"i need to meet her, she seems so nice" i said

"is that a isabella fan page, i love you too." i said

i pull out my phone and type the username in.

it pops up so i click it and like a couple edits of me.

i love them, i follow the account and close the app.

" i just followed, and liked a couple videos on your account."

"jay law is that what your username says?"

"no it's jayla with two a's and the w is for her last name."

omg i- is that there sister!

"is that your sister."

" yeah my sister jayla."

authors note: i literally don't have any ideas for the meantime so if you have any comment and let me know.

Don't be a silent reader.

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