chapter 1

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(Isabella pov)
"flight 42 ready to take off"
"that's us"  my mom said. I grabbed my carry on and luggage walking to get boarded on the plane. my mom following along behind me.

we are moving to Atlanta Georgia how funn! note the sarcasm. leaving Italy, i liked it there however i didn't mind moving. i had a lot of memories in Italy sad ones. i miss you dad. my dad was a business man he worked with the fbi on certain occasions.

when he died all his money went to me my mom is a doctor so she didn't really care i got the money. she loved my dad but he wouldn't want her to be sad that's why we are moving so we can get a fresh start.

here we are on a 3 hour and a half plane ride to a new place. my mom got a pretty big house. i have no idea why. it's just the two of us. i'm an only child but that's fine kids kinda scare me. you never know what they are thinking.

their basically strangers if you think about it. anyways..

what else about me .. i can speak 3 different languages fun right... right?

english, Spanish, Italian, and french. i don't count english because everyone i know can speak english.

basic bitches

getting off the flight we grab our things and get into the car my mom rented until ours come.

when we get to the house our stuff should be getting delivered, so boring we have to set up everything again.

we have at least a 30 minute drive ahead of us. buckle up bitches.

i totally didn't fall asleep in the car

anyways. 30 minutes later my mom wakes me up letting me know we are here and walks out of the car.

how rude.

we grab our things in the car and walk up the steps to our front door i love the color of our house it's a nice tanish brown color not one of those crusty tan browns. but a nice tanish more on the brownish side idk you just have to see it.

opening the door our walls are a nice light gray. i hope my room gray too. i continue walking around until i find my room. me and my mom came to a agreement that the whole downstairs is mine because my rooms down there. the master bedroom was upstairs anyways so she agreed.

also another reason my moms barley even home is cause she's always working. remember i told you doctor? yeah she works a lot.

the movers get here and start putting everything up like beds tvs couches etc. our cars should be here sunday. no maybe i don't have a license yet but i have a car, i have a black tesla. and my mom has a white tesla. yes matching.

i kinda wanna new car for fun. but i should know better then to spend money like that when the only reason is 'for fun'. but do i know better... no

the movers put my bed and dressers in my room along with my shoes. how much i love my shoes

ok maybe i have way too many

i just can't help it i feel like shoes just pull the outfit together. anyways today's Saturday so my car should be coming tomorrow.

about 4 hours after everything is set up. i go upstairs to get some water. my throat be dry asf.

my moms in the kitchen and she tells me she put me into school already i start Monday. bruh i can't get any days off.

it's good tho ima just have to show the school how hard my fits gonna go.

mhm as i should

after getting my water and using the bathroom, i'm exhausted after today. turning off my lights and plugging my phone in i start drifting off to sleep.

authors note- i'm so excited to be writing a book i have been thinking about it for so long and i will most likely be updating often. unfortunately i do have school but that isn't so bad bc i have no friends lol. anyways let me know any ideas you have and i'll see if i can make them happen. javon and isabella will meet next chapter maybe...

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