chapter 61

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(isabella point of view)

"i hate morning sickness" i groaned walking back to giselle's room and laying on her bed.

"trust me i understand what you're going through." giselle said cutting out the mini ultrasound pictures of the baby so we can attach it to the invitations for the gender reveal.

we were supposed to do it once we got the genders but i've been so sick lately and with coming back from italy i haven't had any energy to do anything.

so we postponed it until i hit 16 weeks and a couple days.

which is in about nine days so we are very behind.

"i can't wait for you to have your babies, do you know how excited esme is gonna be?" giselle squealed.

"i think you are the one who's excited." i teased her.

"so have you thought about if you're gonna move out?" giselle asked me.

"i know we talked about it but when i brought it up to javon he made some very clear points on why we should stay here." i started.

"we'll have so much help, our families will be close with the babies, plus he's going to be so busy with working and he doesn't want me to think that i'm alone in this." i told her.

"to be completely honest with you, i didn't think it was a good idea for you to move out either. i say unless you absolutely have to then move out." she stopped cutting and focused on me

"bella no matter what you know you will always have family, you're kids are going to be so loved by everyone." she smiled a sweet smile at me.

"i just get worried. i don't want my kids to think their daddy couldn't be there for them, that's probably my biggest fear." i tell her.

"javon would do anything for his kids, and i don't want them to ever questions if their daddy actually loves them." i run my fingers through my hair. or i thought.

"you won't let that ever happen." she said and pulled me into a hug

"bella! giselle!" we heard my mom call from the kitchen.

"moms been such a germaphobe lately." i sighed walking out the room and to the kitchen.

giselle just shrugged her shoulders.

"what did i tell you girls about the kitchen?" my mom said and she looked mad.

"this kitchen always needs to be clean, i don't care about the rest of the house but this kitchen is the one room that needs to be clean."

"mom that's not even dirty" i expressed.

"bella, open your eyes. there's a mess in the sink and the counter." she said.

"there's like ten dishes in the sink and a bag of food on the counter." i said.

"isabella ca-" my mom started

"okay, i'll clean them." i said going to the sink and turning on the water.

"i'm sorry you guys, im just stressed out." mom said sighting and taking a seat on a chair.

"why what's wrong?" giselle asked leaning on the counter.

"ella go upstairs and play with your toys in your room." mom told ella who was in front of the coffee table and playing with a puzzle.

"okay mommy." she said and happily skipped her way upstairs.

"i can't keep up with the bills." mom sighed

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