chapter 22

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(Isabella pov)
i have so much energy right now. i'm about to get out my car to go into school with... yup you guessed it my coffee. Would i be me if i come to school without coffee.

i walk into the building and i notice more people looking at me then usual. all up in my business. but no seriously why are they?

i ignore it cause i'm not gonna let anyone's stares effect me. but literally right when i walk into the building the bell rings like, seriously what the fuck?

i ain't even get time to go flirt with girls i think are pretty like come on! anyways i walk into the class and sit in my unassigned seat. like it's assigned to me but it's not marked as mine.

doesn't matter cause it's still mine. but once the bell for the class rings a girls walks into the classroom and sits by me.

she looks mid not gonna lie but of course i'm nice so i won't tell her that.

"hey." she said to me.

now i feel bad i thought she was mid cause she seems nice.

"hey." i said back.

"your the girl who's boyfriend got caught with pictures  cheating on her huh." she said quietly.

"huh.i don't have a boyfriend." i said. wait what the fuck did she just say? the only guys i hang out with is javon and some people might think he's my boyfriend but he's not.

wait did she said has pictures of him cheating on me?

"are you sure. cause there's pictures of you and him then another picture of him sleeping in bed with another girl." she told me.

when i tell you my heart dropped out of my ass. why do i feel like this we aren't even together. still i feel a sudden feeling of hurt and betrayal. why am i acting like this.

i feel like i really trusted this guy. and for what? for him to fuck me over?

"can you show me." i asked her

"sure." she pulls out her phone.and goes onto instagram. she clicks on a page called OnwardTea and clicks onto a post. she passed me her phone.

it's a picture of me and javon at Victoria secret and at target while he hugs me from behind and it looks like he's whispering in my ear. next to the photo is a picture of him sleeping while coco is behind him cuddling him.

just curious onto what people said i clicked onto the comments and see so many talking shit about him saying how cause he's 'famous' he thinks it's okay for him to cheat. another one says how he got caught and now nobody is gonna want him. the last comment i read was saying 'i can change him'.

bruh if only they knew we aren't even together so he didn't cheat. i just got the wrong signs.

i mean after i gave him head and his head was in between my legs. yeah i got mixed signals (note the sarcasm)

i pass her the phone back and just try to act chill about it when i'm dying inside.

"he hella fucked up too your fine as fuck." she told me.

"thank you. you too " i told her and smiled.

i don't know why i smile when i'm hurting but i feel like i don't deserve to be hurt or feeling sad. that's what his choice was i didn't force him and i'm sure he had the chance to tell me when i was at his house and before he left me at three in the fucking morning. but he didn't, he hid it from me. he wanted it to be a secret, and it would have been if coco didn't post it.

she closes her phone and i get a glimpse of her lock screen it was a baby.

"aww who's baby is that it's cute." i asked her.

always been you| javon walton Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum