chapter 59

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how do animals grieve? do they just suck it up and move on?

do they forget about their other half?

do they mourn in silence and feel nothing but pain?

when penguins mate. do they fall in love? do they try and object? do they run away?

or do they accept the fact that their mates, forever.

do animals run away from their pain?

mermaids swim around the whole ocean, feeling freedom. heart of stone. heart as cold as the ocean water. eternal life not having love or worrying about losing someone.


sounds absolutely peaceful.

feeling no pain of losing someone you love.

no pain felt when someone walks out your life.

no troubles about anything or anyone.

just the dark deep ocean.

swimming as far as their heart desires.

not any problems.


undeniably peaceful.

life is a strange thing.

one day it could be a regular day, a good day.

the next you could be praying for a loved one who's sick.

celebrating a birth.

celebrating a promotion.

celebrating a report card.

celebrating a graduation.

celebrating a holiday.

at a funeral with a pang feeling in ur chest of how much you wish to see that person one last time.

or celebrating the birthday of a person who isn't here anymore.

when is it ever just fucking fair.

when will people stop worrying about if tomorrow is gonna be their last day.

when are people going to stop doing all these stupid things that can get other people hurt or possibly have their life ripped away from them.

and nobody would ever know.

no one would ever know the thought in someone else's mind.

why is that fair?

why is it fair that someone else makes a stupid mistake and a innocent person has to pay for it.

why is it fair that people have to go through things in life they aren't ready for without guidance.

when will life finally just settle the fuck down and let me breath.

when will i be happy?
(sierra's point of view)
god i miss him so much. the heavy feeling in my chest will never go away. i will always love my husband.

but i grieved my pain. i cried, i sobbed, i denied, then i accepted.

isabella never did. she didn't accept it.

she never understood why her daddy had to suffer the consequences.

she was pissed off.

she always have been.

always been you| javon walton حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن