chapter 45

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do you have your own room or do you share?
me: i have my own room
(isabella point of view)
"i'll grab the snacks you guys pick out the movie."i told my mom and javon. i get off the couch from in between them and head to the kitchen, to grab snacks for us.

my dads family left this morning around 8am. so we decided to celebrate by watching a movie and eating snacks.

it's 10am so ella isn't up yet. usually she comes downstairs with my mom and helps make breakfast. with noodles strolling behind her.

he's such a traitor, he now sleeps with ella every night. he prefers to sleep with her. i think it has something to do with her cuddling him all night.

as long as i know she's sleeping safe.

javon wants to train noodles to be protective over her. i think it's to late to do that because we didn't start training him when he was a baby. i told him we can always get another dog and we can train him to be protective.

just not right now, there's to many things on our plate right now. getting another dog would just make things harder.

i grab a bunch of snacks, and some chocolate croissants that my mom bought.

i make my way back to the living room with snacks and bottles of chilled water.

"what are we watching?" i asked them sitting back in my spot.

"halloween 4 the return of michael myers." my mom said smiling at me. she knows that's my favorite. that one and halloween 5 are both my favorites.

"my favorite." i said grabbing the blankets from javon and putting some on me.

my mom brought her own blanket from her room.

we sat and watched the movie.
we have only 9 minutes of the movie left when ella came downstairs. i called her to come sit with me so she can hang out with us.

when she came into my arms i realized she was sniffling.

"what's wrong." i said paying no mind to the tv but instead all my attention going onto her.

my mom and javon now paying attention to her, javon grabs the remote and paused the movie.

"i feel ugly." she said gripping onto my shirt with her hands.

"what?" my mom said, furrowing her eyebrowns.

"i don't like how i look." she sniffled.

"your so perfect baby, why are you saying this about yourself." i asked her softly. this isn't right. she shouldn't be worried about how she looks at this age. she shouldn't be worried about anything at her age.

she shook her head 'no' while hugging to my chest as much as she can.

"hey, i don't ever want to hear you call yourself ugly again, your so beautiful baby." my mom said rubbing her hand on ella's back, she leaned towards me and placed a kiss on ella's head.

"what makes you think your ugly? who told you that?" i asked her leaning back a little so we can see her face.

"my real mommy told me i was." she said covering her eyes as she cried more.

"your real mommy lied to you, your the prettiest little girl i've ever met." i told her wrapping my arms around her and rocking her.

we let her cry it out a little while i held her, we wanted to talk to her, if she continued to cry like she was when she was holding onto me. i'd be difficult to have a conversation with her.

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