Grasping at my hand and placing it firmly into the hand of the security officer, Harry sternly looked at him.

"Get her out of here, look after her and do not let her out of your sight. Alright?" Harry barked at him.

He wasn't normally so sharp with his words, but part of me quickly came to the conclusion that it was because of me and my safety.

"Harry-" I whispered, as the crawling creatures of the paparazzi stampeded closer towards Harry and I from behind, "Stay safe, please-"

"We're almost there, Iz. We just have to get past with our boarding tickets and we're off. I'll see you at the desk, Izzy. I love you."

I didn't even get the chance to tell him that I loved him back, as the security guard grabbed me and started force-walking me to a completely different direction away from Harry.

"He's gonna be alright, isn't he?" I pressed, "Your friend, he'll look after Harry won't he?"

"Mr. Styles will be fine, just let me do my job Miss and do what he asked me. It's better this way."

I gazed through the glass that was keeping me locked away from Harry, people swarming around him from all angles, people such as fans and paparazzi all yelling his name, screaming for photos and fans sobbing begging for a hug or a kiss.

It was something that I had never, ever seen before with Harry and he was right, it was frightening and completely overwhelming.

It was frightening to see how quickly they enclosed around him and I was grateful that he had foreseen that I wouldn't have coped very well with that sort of intrusion, because I would have completely panicked.

I watched helplessly and almost breathlessly, as he tried to accommodate everyone, stopping to pause for selfies or to sign something, while not even pausing to stop for the paparazzi once.

He was all for the fans and that was something that made me exceptionally proud.

I couldn't imagine what was going through his head right now, how he was feeling or thinking, how all of this seemed normal to him in a sense.

It was weird, but I found myself wondering if life was always going to be like this.

Every time we would fly out for birthdays, weekends away, holidays or even business trips, is this what our life was going to be like?

What if we were lucky enough to have children one day, would they have to be succumbed to all of this because of who their father was?

It reminded me of when Harry yelled at Carol to sort things out with the press article back at my flat when he said that he had signed up for this, not his loved ones or family.

However that wasn't strictly true, because whatever was thrown at Harry was thrown at me too- we were together, a team and united as one, so unintentionally, I already had signed up for all of this the second I allowed myself to fall in love with him.

And it was something that we clearly just had to work on in the future.

It seemed like hours had passed before I saw Harry finally walk through the section that was barricaded off into a queue line and into the entrance of where I was sitting, waiting patiently.

He looked worn out, and his glasses were now at the top of his head, holding his hair in place at a particular spot on his scalp.

I couldn't help but smile warmly at him, my arms opening up to welcome him in as I exhaled a huge sigh of relief.

"You were amazing, out there."

"As long as they're all happy." He smiled at me, "I'm really sorry about that, Izzy. I just didn't want you to get ambushed."

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