It was just breath-taking to look at, and I might have been biased, but I had always maintained that Wales was just as beautiful as countries such as New Zealand for example.

I had told Harry before in a previous conversation about the certain hotspots here in general, and he had always said that he would love to check them all out if we could.

And thanks to a late night phone call and a huge tip that Harry had instructed to be added onto our bill because of the late night check in, we were here.

The lodge we were staying in were simply just for two people, and was pretty secluded in a gorgeous setting, complete with picturesque scenery and a bubbling stream- which meant great news for us because of Harry.

As much as I needed the space to breathe and get my shit together, he didn't need the stress of being spotted either, so it was perfect for the both of us.

With everything that had happened the last couple of days, I just wanted peace and quiet to gather my thoughts together.

I couldn't go back to Gran's house just yet and I was no way ready to go back to London either.

"I called Phoebs while you were asleep too," Harry said, lifting our overnight bag from the boot of his car; "I told her, so you didn't have to. She sends her love and will call you tomorrow. Mum called too, she's... devastated for you. Said she's always on the end of her phone if you need her."

I pressed a smile, nodding.

"Thanks, H." I replied with a whisper, taking another look around; "It's so quiet here."

"And it's exactly what you need," he said, shutting the boot door slowly, careful not to make much noise; "I have to say, from what we saw in the car, Carmarthenshire seems pretty beautiful."

I smiled.

"Did you know it's also known as the Garden of Wales?" I asked, as Harry shook his head; "Carmarthenshire is not just home to our National Botanic Garden, but it also houses Aberglasney Gardens- our equivalent to the Lost Gardens of Heligan only on not quite such a large scale."

"I love how proud you are of Wales and your Welsh history." he smirked at me, "I actually did a bit of research myself earlier before booking the place."

"Oh yeah?"

"Hmm," he murmured, wrapping his arm around the middle of my back; "Google is a fabulous invention, don't you think?"

I couldn't help but laugh.

"What would you do without your bloody apps and google, Harry?"

"Probably suck at Welsh history and learning about my woman's heritage."

"Hmm." I snickered, "So what did you find out?"

"Well," Harry began, "Carmarthen is the county's principal town and is the county's second largest town with a population of just under 16,000 people. Also, it serves a large community of farmland surrounding it's edges, and the town actually originated from a Roman settlement and a Roman amphitheatre remains just off Priory Street. The town lays claim to being the oldest in Wales."

"You have been a busy boy," I smirked at him, wrapping my own arm around his waist; "Well, we've got lots to do anyway... as well as the lovely inland countryside, Carmarthenshire also has a good coastal stretch which is home to Cefn Sidan beach, and if you want to go on one of your fitness bouts, just behind the beach is Pembrey Country Park."

"I won't be going anywhere without you, Izzy." he said softly, his cold lips pressing lightly against my warm forehead; "Unless you want the space, but I'm going nowhere without you."

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