"So did Phoebs."

"Did you tell her?"

I shook my head, "No, I didn't."

"Are you going to?"

"One day. When I'm ready. Did you tell Carol?" I asked him, and I suddenly became very vastly aware of the silence that followed my question; "Harry?"

He stopped dead on his feet, twisting around on the spot with a look of fear across his face.

"Look, I know how this is going to come across, but-"

I literally felt all of my blood drain from my system.

"- I had to tell her, Izzy. She kept badgering me and asking questions on why I would buy you a ring if it wasn't an engagement ring and if it wasn't an engagement ring then why would you wear it on your wedding finger-"

I was speechless.

"And you couldn't spin up some bullshit story to keep something that was meant just for us, a secret a little longer?"

"Izzy, I'm sorry." he said lowly, "But I was pushed into a corner and I didn't know what else to do. Now she knows the truth about Oscar, she can work on putting something out together on our behalf and hopefully get everyone off our backs-"

The fact that woman, a person of Harry's management team, knew about my baby without my permission had me shooting off into the atmospheric tombs of space faster than the speed of sound.

"I don't care about everyone Harry! What if she tells someone, what if-"

"She won't." Harry interrupted me, "It's her job, remember? Izzy, I had to tell her in order to keep Oscar and you protected. Now that she knows, she can do that. She can shut down any rumours and-"

"But you shouldn't have told her without discussing it with me first Harry! He's my son too! I don't want some stranger knowing about what I've been through, what we have been through-"

"This isn't about who's son he is Izzy, and you know that." Harry calmly responded, "And you want to talk about discussing things first? I just asked you outright if you had looked in my book and you lied to me."


"That's different, this is about our son!" I spluttered half-heartedly.

"And that book is a part of him, a part of you and a part of me, and you had no right looking in there! What's worse is that I was actually relieved that you had, but when I asked you outright you lied to me- why? Whatever happened to not lying to each other anymore? What ever happened to telling each other the truth?"

I said nothing.

"So please don't stand there all high and mighty preaching about right and wrongs, and discussing things first Isabelle when you just blatantly lied to my face about going through my stuff!"

I was stumped, literally.

"I wasn't going through your stuff, Harry." I muttered with a guilty whisper, "I genuinely went to go and take the pill, when I saw it and-"

"And you just couldn't help yourself, could you? You had to look in there, you had to have a snoop-"

"I wasn't snooping!"

"So what were you doing?" He asked, "If you don't think going through my things and reading something that is private isn't snooping, then what would you call it?"

I had nothing, because deep down I knew that he was right.

"I'm sorry." I tearfully whispered, "I never meant to, but it was just there and I was intrigued by it and curious-"

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